Page 14 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 14


                           TEST 2           Çözümler için     4.      Hi, I’m Owen Wilson. I'm 13. I'm into sports. I like
                                             okutunuz                 all kinds of sports, but basketball is my favourite.
       1.   Michael: How are we doing in the game, bro?               My  dream  is  to  be  a  professional  basketball
                                                                      player in the future. I'm in the school basketball
           Bradley: ..........................................................  team. I started playing basketball when
           Michael: Oh, too bad! We train a lot and usually win in              I  was  seven.  We  have  training
           the end.                                                              three  days  a  week;  on  Tuesdays,
                                                                                 Wednesdays  and  Thursdays.  I'm
           Bradley:  I think so. But it’s too hard to win for this time.
                                                                                 never late for training. We usually
           Complete the dialogue with the appropriate option.                    have matches on Saturdays.
           A)  We are beating them three to one.

           B)  It isn’t a draw in the match now.                  According to the text, Owen .......................... .
           C)  They are losing four to three.                     A)  has matches three times a week

           D)  We are losing three to two.                        B)  doesn’t like playing team sports
                                                                  C)  does different kinds of sports

                                                                  D)  wants to have a career in basketball

               I am a professional tennis player. I began to play
               this game when I was at the age of five. I love
               it, but it is a difficult game because sometimes a
               game can last five hours. So, ................ .   5.
                                                                   Hello all. My name is Daisy. I'm an athlete. I want
                                                                   to be professional and represent my country in the
                                                                   Olympic Games. So, I train a lot every day. I have

           Choose the appropriate option to complete the blank     a  special  diet  and  I  never  eat  junk  food  or  fast
           in the text above.                                      food. I must be 55 kg all the time. I start training at
                                                                   7 o'clock in the morning and I go to the gym to do
           A)  you don’t have to train a lot for achieving success  exercises with my couch for the second part of my

           B)  you must be always strong and in good condition     training at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I hope I'll win
                                                                   a lot of medals in the future.
           C)  you should first learn how to hit the ball with your hands
           D)  you can have a lot of time to do your hobbies      The paragraph mainly tells about Daisy’s ............. .

                                                                  A) favourite sports   B) achievements in sports

                                                                  C) daily routine      D) sports preferences

       3.   Ethan: It is my favourite sport. I need a bow and arrows
           for this sport.

           Jamie: In this sport, I wear a special white suit and a belt .
           Frank: In this sport, I need a ball and a net. I use my   6.   Hello,  everyone!  I’m  Caleb.  I  love  sports,  and  I  think
           hands to play it.                                      climbing, trekking and mountain biking are the best for
           Emily: I love nature, so it is my favourite sport. I take my   me because I really enjoy doing .................. . I can’t stand
           backpack and walking sticks while doing it.            being indoors while doing sports.

           According  to  the  information  above,  who  goes     Complete the blank with the best option.
           hiking?                                                A) team sports        B) outdoor sports

           A) Emily     B) Frank     C) Jamie      D) Ethan       C) indoor sports      D) individual sports
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      13
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