Page 17 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 17


        7.                                                     10.  Hannah  and  Lauren  are  friends  and  they  like  doing
              Brazil       Spain     England       Russia          sports. They want to do the same sport on Friday after
                                                                   school. So, they decided to list their favourite sports for
                                                                   choosing the common one. Here are the lists of their
                 2           3            1           1
                                                                   favourite sports:

            Which of the following is correct according to the
            scores above?                                                Hannah                      Lauren
                                                                        Basketball                   Cycling
            A)  Brazil beat Spain three to two.
                                                                          Tennis                    Swimming
            B)  England and Russia didn’t score any goals.
            C)  Spain didn’t defeat Brazil in the match.                 Handball                   Basketball
            D)  Russia  and  England  scored  the  same  number  of
               goals.                                              According to the information and the lists above,
                                                                   ................. .

                                                                   A)  both of them like outdoor sports more
                                                                   B)  they don’t prefer playing team games
        8.   Roger:  I  love  team  sports  especially  basketball  and   C)  they will play a team game together
            football, but I don’t like playing tennis and doing boxing.   D)  individual sports are their favourite
            What about you, Liam?
            Liam: I like both team and individual sports, but football
            and tennis are my favourites. I play them very often. I
            think basketball and boxing are less exciting than them.
            Read the conversation. Which sport can they do     11.  There are some safety items for some kinds of sports
            together according to their preferences?               and you should wear them before doing these sports.
            A) Tennis   B) Boxing   C) Basketball   D) Football    For example, you should wear your .................... before
                                                                   Which option is suitable to fill in the blank?

                                                                   A)  helmet and knee pads
        9.                                                         B)  ski suits and goggles
                         Mike's After - School Activities
                       Monday         go swimming                  C)  trainers and gloves
                       Tuesday        play table tennis            D)  walking sticks and backpack
                       Wednesday      do gymnastics
                       Thursday       play chess
                       Friday         has a volleyball training

                                                               12.  Brenda: Which sports do you prefer, individual sports or
            This table above is about what Mike does after school.
            Today is Thursday and he plays chess in the school     team sports?
            chess club.                                            Warren: I prefer team sports because I think they’re more
                                                                   enjoyable. ..................
            According to the table and the text above, which of
            the following option is correct?                       Complete the dialogue with the suitable option.
            A)  He did an outdoor sport two days ago.              A)  I like skating and jogging much.

            B)  He was busy with a water sport three days ago.     B)  Basketball and football are my favourites.
            C)  He played in a team with his friends one day ago.  C)  I do archery more than play volleyball.

            D)  He didn’t do indoor sports the days before Thursday.  D)  To me, individual sports are more fun.
                                                          16                                      GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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