Page 19 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 19


        7.                                                     10.  Meghan  likes  doing  sports  very  much  and  she  does
             Hello,  everyone!  My  name  is                       some sports regularly to stay fit and feel energetic. The
             Nazmiye  Muslu  Muratlı.  I'm  a                      graphic below shows the frequencies of the sports she
             professional  weightlifter.  I  won                   does.
             gold medals at the 2012 London
             Paralympics and at the 2016 Rio                                       5%    trekking
             Paralympics. I'm sure you know                                                   tennis
             that weightlifting is a very difficult                             10%
             sport and it requires hard training. I usually train 3          15%                   cycling
             hours a day. Also, I sometimes go cycling in the park        30%                          swimming
             near my house.                                            40%

            According to the text, Nazmiye ...................... .                                  jogging
            A)  thinks she doesn’t have a good career in weightlifting

            B)  wants to be very successful and win more medals
            C)  often goes cycling because it’s her favourite activity  According to the graphic above, we can say that ....... .
            D)  trains every day because weightlifting isn’t an easy   A)  she goes cycling and trekking more than goes jogging
               sport                                               B)  she spends more time on going jogging than playing

                                                                   C)  she prefers going swimming more than doing jogging

        8.                                                         D)  she plays tennis more than goes swimming or jogging
                Hi! My name is Danny and I'm eighteen years
                old. I'm usually an active person. Every summer,
                       I  go  camping  with  my  close  friends,   11.  I’m a professional wrestler. I always eat healthy food.
                           Steve and Rob. We go trekking in        ............... because I must control my weight all the time.
                            the forest, catch a fish and swim      Find the suitable option for the blank.
                            in the lake during the camp. I love
                            spending time in nature.               A)  I don’t care about my appearance
                                                                   B)  I prefer junk food to them
                                                                   C)  I always go on a diet
            Which of the following question is not answered in
            the text above?                                        D)  I never try to keep fit

            A)  Where does he go in summers?
            B)  Who does he go camping with?                   12.      We usually come together with some friends

            C)  Which activities do they do in the camp?                at  weekends  to  watch  our  favourite  football
            D)  Where do they go for camping?                           team’s matches on TV. Our team sometimes
                                                                        wins  and  sometimes  loses  in  the  matches.
                                                                        And  we  become  happy  or  sad  according  to
                                                                        the score.

        9.   I’m  into  sports,  but  I  think  individual  sports  are  more   Which question has an answer in the text above?
            boring than other sport types. So, ............ .
                                                                   A)  How  often  do  they  watch  their  favourite  football
            Find the suitable option for the blank.                   team’s matches?
            A)  skiing and climbing are the best for me            B)  Which football team do they like most?

            B)  I prefer trying sports without any risk            C)  Why do they prefer watching football matches on TV?
            C)  I like doing sports with a group of people         D)  What is the last score of their football team?

            D)  individual sports involve many physical risk
                                                          18                                      GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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