Page 15 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 15


        7.                                                     10.  Dylan: Hey, Elsa! Listen. There is a sports camp in town.
                 Hi. My name is Susan. I’m a 20 year - old         Why don’t we join this camp? We can have lots of fun
                 university student. I love sports. After school,   there.
                 I go swimming in the pool twice a week and        Elsa: Do you know which sports are there in the camp?
                 also I sometimes play tennis with my best         Dylan: Yes. These sports are climbing, volleyball, football,
                 friend, Mandy. At weekends, I go running in       trekking, cycling and basketball. Which sports do you
                 the park before skating with my friends. We       want to join?
                 have fun together.                                Elsa: I love nature sports, so I want to join trekking and

            Which of the following questions is not answered in    Dylan: What about climbing? It is a nature sport, too.
            the text above?
                                                                   Elsa: Climbing? Oh, no! I think it’s very dangerous. I don’t
            A)  What sports does she do on weekdays?               want to take risks while doing a sport.

            B)  How often does she go skating?                     According to the conversation, which opti̇ on is not
            C)  What is her favourite sport?                       correct?
            D)  What kind of sports does she do at weekends?       A)  Dylan will join the camp alone to do outdoor sports.

                                                                   B)  Elsa wants to join the camp for only nature sports.
                                                                   C)  Dylan offers Elsa to join a sports camp in town.

        8.   (I) Mary isn’t interested in any kinds of sports at all. (II)   D)  Elsa won’t try climbing in the camp because she finds
            She really gets bored when she does sports. (III) She     it dangerous.
            plays  volleyball  in  the  school  team.  (IV)  After  school,
            her friends sometimes call her to play volleyball, but she
            doesn’t prefer.
            Which of the following sentences does not comform
            with the meaning of the text above?                11.  Hi! My name is Bob. ........ such as cycling, skateboarding
            A) I          B) II         C) III         D) IV       and archery.

                                                                   Fill in the blank with the correct option.

                                                                   A)  I find indoor sports enjoyable
        9.                                                         B)  I like outdoor sports very much
                Name       Sport           Success
                                                                   C)  I’m not into individual sports
                 Nur                     She won two
                Tatar    Taekwondo      Olympic medals.            D)  I’m crazy about team sports

               Ivanoviç    Tennis   She won a lot of medals.
                                      He won the NBA Most
               Stephen    Basketball  Valuable Player Award in
                                         2014 - 2015.          12.  Richard: .................................................

            Which sentence cannot be said according to the         Diana: Because it affects their life positively and provides
            information above?                                     them to have a healthy body.
            A)  They  are  interested  in  both  individual  and  outdoor   Find the suitable question for the blank.
               sports.                                             A)  What sports do you do to be fit?

            B)  They achieved success in their sport careers.      B)  What kind of sports do children like most?
            C)  They tried to do something well in their careers.  C)  Which sports are the best for our health?

            D)  They are good at in different fields of sports.    D)  Why is doing sports important for people?
                                                          14                                      GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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