Page 11 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 11


        7.   Amy: My elder sister, Molly is tall and slim. She is pretty   10.
            with long curly brown hair and green eyes.              Hi, my name is Daisy. I am fourteen years old. I'm of
                                                                    medium height and slim with short wavy fair hair and
            Which picture shows Molly according to Amy’s talk?      hazel eyes. I think I’m quite smart. I don’t like waiting
            A)             B)          C)          D)               for anything and be late for a meeting, appointment
                                                                    or  planned  event.  In  my  free  time,  I  usually  play
                                                                    basketball or tennis with my friends. I also go camping
                                                                    with my family at weekends if the weather is nice.

                                                                   In this text, there is no information about Daisy’s
                                                                   ................. .
                                                                   A) hobbies             B) nationality
                                                                   C) personality         D) appearance

                                                                     Hello all! My name is Sofia. I have got a 16 - year - old
        8.   Gemma and Becky are cousins. Here are the information   brother and a 10 - year - old sister. My brother, David,
            cards about their personal characteristics and physical   is  quite  tall  and  slim.  He  is  handsome  with  hazel
            appearances:                                             eyes and fair hair. Jessica, my sister, is of medium
                                                                     height and a bit fat, but she is very cute with curly
               18 years old         Gemma                           blond hair and blue eyes. As for me, I'm 14 years old
               cheerful and outgoing                                and I have got long wavy brown hair and blue eyes.
                likes going to concerts and                         I'm 165 meters tall and I weigh 49 kilos. I'm pleased
                surfing on the Internet                              with my appearance.
                can make new friends easily
                                    Gemma                          We can understand from the text above that ......... .
               13 years old          Becky
               clever and shy                                     A)  Sofia and Jessica have the same eye color, but their
                likes reading books and                              hair styles are different
                going camping with her family                      B)  David’s weight is more than normal, but Jessica has
                can't talk to people                                 an ideal body weight
                she doesn't know
                                       Becky                       C)  Sofia  and  David  are  at  the  same  age,  but  Sofia  is
            It  is  clear  from  the  information  cards  above  that   short and thin
            ...................... .
                                                                   D)  Jessica  and  Sofia  are  both  satisfied  with  their
            A)  they have some hobbies in common                      physical appearances

            B)  their age group is the same
            C)  their relationships with people are good       12.  Dylan: I think James will be a good basketball player in
                                                                   the future.
            D)  they have different personali̇ ti̇ es
                                                                   Robert: Really? I’d like to meet him soon. ...................

                                                                   Dylan: He is of medium height. Actually, he is shorter
                                                                   than me.

                                                                   Complete the dialogue with the correct option.

        9.   My brother is a great basketball player. I’m not good at   A)  Has he got short hair?
            this sport as much as him because he is ........ than me.  B)  How tall is he?
            Choose the suitable option to complete the blank.      C)  What is he like?

            A) lazier    B) shorter     C) taller    D) older      D)  How much does he weigh?
                                                          10                                      GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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