Page 7 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 7


        7.                                                     10.  Daniel: Do you know Curtis? He is my buddy and he
                   Appearance       Personality                    goes to the same school with you.
                     hazel eyes           handsome                 Noah: Curtis? I’m not sure. What does he look like?

                     well - built          forgetful               Daniel: ............................................................. .
                                                                   Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.
                     ambitious           hardworking
                                                                   A)  He  is  good  looking  with  short  dark  hair  and  hazel
                   long wavy hair         attractive

            Susan is preparing a vocabulary list to learn “Appearance   B)  He sometimes tells a lie and talks a lot.
            and Personality” unit very well. But she is making some   C)  He studies hard to reach his goals all the time.
            mistakes while preparing it.
                                                                   D)  He is very helpful and always cares about others.
            According to the categories, which one is odd?

            A)  long wavy hair / forgetful / attractive
            B)  handsome / well - built / hardworking
            C)  ambitious / hazel eyes / attractive                                       middle - aged
            D)  attractive / ambitious / handsome                                         serious
                                                                                            likes reading books and
                                                                                          playing chess
                                                                                            can't make friends easily

        8.   My brother ...... . He wants to keep fit. He does exercise                   young
            four times a week, so he is well - built.                                     cheerful

            Complete the blank with the suitable option.                                    likes doing sports and
                                                                                          going to the movies
            A)  takes care of his physical appearance                                       can't find things
            B)  doesn’t pay attention to his appearance
            C)  eats junk food when he goes out                    Which of the following is not correct according to the

            D)  never cares about people’s personalities           information above?
                                                                   A)  They are in different age groups.
                                                                   B)  Helen doesn’t make jokes and smile a lot.

                                                                   C)  Cindy likes being active, but she is forgetful.

        9.                                                         D)  They have some hobbies in common.
               Hello, everyone! I'm Lauren from Canada. I'm a
               high  school  student.  I  like  meeting  with  people
               and  making  new  friends.  I  always  think  about
                     what other people want or need. I'm crazy   12.
                          about listening to music and watching    I.  I don’t have many friends, but he has.
                           movies in my free time. I have great    II. He is clever, polite and friendly.
                           parents. They always back me up         III. Steve is my new friend from school.
                           and help me solve my problems.          IV. I get on well with him and now all his friends are
                                                                     mine, too.

                                                                   Put the sentences into the correct order to make a
            In this text, Lauren does not give information about   meaningful text.
            her ...................... .                           A) III - II - I - IV   B) III - I - IV - II

            A) personality  B) hobbies  C) family  D) appearance   C) III - IV - I - II   D) II - I - III - IV
                                                          6                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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