Page 4 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 4


                            TEST 1          Çözümler için     4.   Gina and Susan are cousins. They are in the same class.
                                                                  Everybody loves them, but Susan is more popular than
                                                                  Gina at school. Because she is very friendly, generous
       1.   Sofia: ............................................   and thoughtful. She always helps her friends when they
           Jenny: He is very outgoing and cheerful.               have a problem. But Gina is stubborn and a bit selfish.
           Which of the following is not Sofia’s question?        According to the text above, ................ .

           A)  What is your father like?                          A)  Gina makes new friends easier than Susan
           B)  What does your brother look like?                  B)  Susan cares about other people more than Gina

           C)  What kind of person is your brother?               C)  Gina supports her friends more than Susan does
           D)  What personal traits does your father have?        D)  Susan thinks about her own needs more than Gina

                Audrey  is  reliable,  supporter  and  generous,  but
                she is quite stubborn. She has got many friends
               at school and she gets on well with them most
              of the time. She always comes to school on time
               and does her homework regularly. She is really   5.
              good at maths and science classes.                     Hello,  everyone.  My  name  is  Mia.  I'm  tall  and
                                                                     slim.  My  friends  say  I'm  beautiful  with  straight
           We can understand from the passage above that             fair hair and green eyes. I have a brother. His
           Audrey ............ .                                     name is Tom. He doesn't look like me. He's older
                                                                     and more outgoing than me. He's very popular
           A)  dislikes sharing, but she changes her mind easily     among his friends because he can play football
           B)  always shares her friends’ secrets with others        better than everyone else.
           C)  is not a hardworking, punctual and clever girl
                                                                  Find the option that is correct according to the text
           D)  is always there when her friends are in trouble
                                                                  A)  Mia and Tom have similar physical appearances.
       3.                                                         B)  Mia has dark hair and dark eyes, but Tom doesn’t.

                              My  sister  is  very  beautiful     C)  Mia is younger, but fatter and shorter than Tom.

                              with long wavy fair hair and        D)  Tom likes meeting new people more than Mia.

                              blue  eyes.  She  is  tall  and
           Which picture shows Zoey’s sister?

           A)                    B)

                                                              6.   Mother: I heard a loud noise, Olivia. What happened?

                                                                  Olivia: Oh, I am so sorry, mum! I broke all the cups on
                                                                  the tray.

           C)                    D)                               Mother: Really? Actually, I’m not surprised because you
                                                                  are very ............... .
                                                                  Fill in the blank with the correct option.

                                                                  A) clumsy             B) pessimistic
                                                                  C) stingy             D) thoughtful
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                       3
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