Page 5 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 5


        7.   Kimberly: Have you got a brother, Cynthia?        10.

            Cynthia: Yes, I have. He is called Robert.              Name       Sonia        Arthur        Liam
            Kimberly: What does he look like?                                short and     quite tall and    of medium
                                                                             plump        good looking  height and
            Cynthia: ................................                        long wavy     short brown   thin
            Which  of  the  following  option  is  not  suitable  to    Appearance  black hair  hair     short
            complete the dialogue?                                          black eyes    dark brown   straight

            A)  He is easy - going, thoughtful and polite.                                eyes          fair hair
                                                                                                        blue eyes
            B)  He is cute with his freckles and nice smile.
            C)  He is medium height and well - built.                   Character    very kind      very clever     very
                                                                                                        funny and
                                                                                          and polite
                                                                             and smart
            D)  He is handsome with short wavy black hair.                                              outgoing

                                                                   Which of the following option can we say according
                                                                   to the information in the table above?
                                                                   A)  Liam is shorter and fatter than Sonia.
        8.   Jennifer  is  a  seventh  grade  student.  Here  are  her
            friends’ thoughts about her:                           B)  Arthur and Sonia don’t have similar personalities.
                                                                   C)  All of them have similar physical appearances.
            Harry: She doesn’t usually remember her duties.
                                                                   D)  Arthur always says “please” and “thank you”.
            Nancy: She can’t talk to people she doesn’t know.

            Oscar: She always wants everything for herself.
            Katie: She smiles all the time and looks happy.    11.                    Physical appearance
            According to the information above, which option         Name      tall     slim     young    long hair
            can we say about Jennifer?                               Jane      ✓ ✓      ✓ ✓        ✓       ✓ ✓ ✓

            A) She is not selfish.   B) She is cheerful.             Paige      ✓       ✓ ✓ ✓     ✓ ✓       ✓ ✓
            C) She is unforgetful.   D) She is not shy.
                                                                   According to the chart above, ........ .
                                                                   A)  Paige is older and fatter than Jane

                                                                   B)  Jane’s hair is shorter than Paige’s hair
                                                                   C)  Paige is thinner but shorter than Jane
        9.                                                         D)  Jane is slimmer and younger than Paige
               Name: Leonardo DiCaprio
               Occupation: Actor
               Height: 183 cm
               Weight: 87 kg                                                           Everybody  probably  knows
                                                                                       Johnny  Depp  because  he  is
               Hair: short, straight, blond
                                                                                       an  American  famous  actor
               Eyes: blue                                                              all  around  the  world  with  his
               Personality: kind, helpful                                              amazing movies. He has a lot
                                                                                       of fans. He is handsome with a
            Which  sentence  cannot we say according to the           nice smile and brown eyes. He isn't very tall. He is
            information above?                                        medium weight. He is generous and helpful.
            A)  His hair is light, but his eyes are dark.
                                                                   In  the  text  above,  there  is  no  information  about
            B)  He is handsome with short blonde hair.             Johnny Depp’s ....... .
            C)  He is medium weight and quite tall.                A) personal traits     B) nationality

            D)  He cares for other people’s feelings.              C) hobbies             D) physical appearance
                                                          4                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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