Page 9 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 9


        7.   Richard and Michelle are in the same class. There are   10.
            some adjectives in the boxes below that describe their
            characteristics.                                                       1-  What does he     He ............. .
                                                                                    look like?

                    Michelle                Richard
                                                                                   2-  What is she     She ............. .
                 generous                lazy                                     like?
                 hardworking             patient
                 a bit forgetful         a little stingy                         3-  What does he

                 unpatient               forgetful                                like doing?     He ............. .

            According to these adjectives in the boxes above, we
            can say that ......... .                               Which of the following does not complete any of the
                                                                   blanks in the chart?
            A)  Michelle  spends  money  for  her  friends  more  than
               Richard does                                        A)  likes playing tennis
                                                                   B)  is generous, thoughtful and ambitious
            B)  Richard  likes  studying  school  subjects  more  than
               Michelle                                            C)  doesn’t like playing chess
            C)  Michelle remembers things where she puts them less   D)  is tall and slim with short dark hair
               than Richard
            D)  Richard  doesn’t  mind  waiting  for  things  less  than
                                                               11.  Craig: I do a lot of sports and work hard at the gym.
                                                                   Becky: I want to be successful all the time, so I study
        8.   My grandfather is a(n) ...... man because he likes sharing
            and always gives me pocket money.                      Harris: I try to keep fit and look thin. So, I do exercise
                                                                   every morning.
            Which word completes the blank correctly?
                                                                   Kirsty: I always do the things I have to and I’m never late
            A) stingy   B) generous   C) stubborn   D) punctual
                                                                   to anywhere.
                                                                   Which option is not correct according to the talks of
                                                                   the students?
        9.   Charlotte: Who is the woman in this photo?            A)  Harris and Craig are both energetic.
            Amanda: Which one? What does she look like?            B)  Kirsty is a punctual and responsible person.
            Charlotte:  The one with long wavy fair hair and blue eyes.   C)  Becky is not ambitious and hardworking.

            Amanda: She is my mother. And this handsome man is     D)  Craig and Becky have nothing in common.
            my father. They are on holiday with my grandma in that

            Charlotte: .............................................. ?
            Amanda:  Yes, he is. My father is 39 and my mother is 34.   12.  Larry’s father ........... because he is very punctual.

            Complete the dialogue with the suitable question.      Find the best option to complete the sentence.
            A)  What does your father look like                    A)  is never late for his appointments

            B)  Is your father generous and kind                   B)  likes having fun with his friends
            C)  Is your mother younger than your father            C)  usually smiles at people

            D)  Is your father older than your mother              D)  always breaks things around him
                                                          8                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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