Page 12 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 12


                            TEST 1          Çözümler için     4.   Tracey: What do you do to keep yourself fit?
                                             okutunuz             Gwen: I often do gymnastics and go swimming. I think
                                                                  they are quite fun. What about you?
             Rosie  Cycling is my favourite free time activity.   Tracey: Well, I sometimes go jogging in the park and play
                                                                  volleyball with my school friends.
             Chase  I play football with my friends after school.  Which of the following is correct according to the
                                                                  conversation above?

             Daniel  I like doing yoga and archery very much.     A)  They both look fit, but Tracey does sports more than
             Vicky  I'm into trekking and mountain climbing.      B)  Tracey is interested in individual sports, but Gwen is
                                                                     into team sports.

           According to the information above, who does not       C)  Both of them are into sports, but they prefer doing
           like individual sports?                                   different types of sports.
           A) Rosie     B) Chase      C) Daniel    D) Vicky       D)  Gwen only does an indoor sport to lose weight safely
                                                                     and stay fit.

       2.   Chris: What is your occupation, Michelle?
           Michelle: I’m an athlete.                          5.   Samuel  is  a  big  sport  fun.  The   HOME  9 0 0 0  GUEST
                                                                  board  shows  the  final  score  of   0 3  0  3
           Chris: Wow, great! .................................   his football team’s latest match.   PERIOD  2 2

           Michelle: Four times a week.                           According to the board above, there was a ..... in the
           Which question does Chris ask Michelle?                match.

           A)  What are your daily activities?                    A) draw       B) beat       C) lost      D) won
           B)  Which sports do you like most?
           C)  Where do you usually go for running?
                                                              6.   A  sports  company  asked  150  teenagers  about  their
           D)  How often do you go running?
                                                                  favourite sports. Here are the results:
                                                                      Number of teenagers

       3.   Here is the information about Tim’s sports preferences   50
           and how often he does these sports:                      40

                 basketball  →  on Saturdays and Sundays            20
                 karate        →  three times a week
                 swimming   →  twice a week                                                                   Favourite
                 hiking          →  once a month                     0                                          Sports
                                                                       Swimming  Basketball
                 skating        →  every Sunday                                       Soccer  Tennis  Skiing

           According to the information above, .......... .       According to the graphic above, ............... .
           A)  he plays only a team sport at the weekends         A)  more than half of the teens like basketball

           B)  he spends the most time going hiking               B)  many teenagers prefer soccer to swimming
           C)  he goes swimming more than does karate             C)  teenagers like going skiing the most

           D)  he mostly does individual sports                   D)  tennis is the most popular sport among teenagers
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      11
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