Page 16 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 16


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.
                                             okutunuz                 Hello,  I’m  Mandy.  I  like  team  sports.  My
                                                                      favourite sport is basketball. I’m in the school
       1.   John: Hey Arya! You look really fit. Do you do exercises   basketball team. We train four times a week.
           a lot?                                                     We usually beat our opponents.
           Arya: Yes, I do. I like being healthy.

           John: So, what do you do?                              According to the text above, which option is correct?

           Arya: I go jogging every morning. After school, I have ice   A)  Mandy is one of the players in her school’s basketball
           skating training.                                         team.

           John: Wow! You are really busy with sports. Unfortuna-  B)  Mandy  plays  all  of  the  team  sports,  but  she  likes
           tely, I’m a couch potato nowadays.                        basketball the least.
           Arya: That’s not over yet. On weekends, I go hiking with   C)  Their basketball team usually loses the matches in
           my friends.                                               the end.
           According to the conversation above, ................ .  D)  Mandy  is  interested  in  team  sports,  but  she  isn’t

           A)  Arya does only nature sports to be fit                successful at one of them.
           B)  John does sports more than Arya does

           C)  Arya mostly prefers doing indoor sports
           D)  John is less active in his daily life than Arya  5.   Hello!  I’m  Gabriel.  I’m  interested  in
                                                                   different  sports,  but  I  want  to  talk
                                                                   about  my  favourite  sport.  You  can
       2.   My favourite sport is .............. . For this sport, you just   do  this  sport  on  a  snowy  surface.
           need a bow and an arrow.                                You  need  some  special  equipment

           Fill in the blank with the correct option.              such  as  goggles,  boots,  poles  and
                                                                   a  helmet  before  doing  it. You  must   Gabriel
           A) volleyball         B) skiing
                                                                   keep your balance not to get injury when you go down
           C) archery            D) tennis                         a hill.

                                                                  Which sport is Gabriel talking about?
       3.                                                         A) Rollerblading      B) Ice skating
            Hello  there!  My  name
            is  Cliff.  I’m  a  student  at                       C) Climbing           D) Skiing
            Denver High School. I like
            being  active  in  my  daily
            life.  After  school,  I  go  to
            a gym to do exercise four                         6.
            days  a  week.  I  think  all  people  should  do  sports   I.  What do you think about that? Am I right? I think you
            to  have  a  long  and  healthy  life.  At  weekends,  I   should try at least one of them and then decide.
            play soccer with my friends and we sometimes go       II. Because  people  can  learn  many  useful  things  to
            roller - skating in the park. I feel myself so energetic   improve  themselves  as  personality  when  they  do
            while doing sports. So, I can't imagine a life without   team sports.
            sports. Sport is definitely a part of my life.        III. I like all kinds of sports, but I think team sports are
                                                                    more special than others.
           According to the text above, Cliff ................ .  IV. That’s why I prefer playing team sports most of the
           A)  does only individual sports at weekends
                                                                  Put the sentences into the correct order to make a
           B)  works out in the sports center on weekdays         meaningful text.
           C)  doesn’t usually have enough energy to do sports    A) II - IV - I - III   B) III - IV - I - II

           D)  never prefers doing sports indoors                 C) III - II - IV - I   D) I - IV - III - II
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      15
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