Page 21 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 21


        6.                                                     9.   Ian: Do you like reading famous people’s biographies?
              Barış  Manço  was  a  musician  and  a  programme
              producer. He was born in 1943 in Istanbul. After he   Oscar: Yes, of course. .................. So, I think everybody
              graduated from Şişli Terakki High School, he went    should read them.
              to Royal Academy of Arts in Belgium. In 1970, he     Choose the option that is not suitable for the blank.
              came back to Turkey and then got married to Lale
              Manço.  They  had  two  children.  He  also  founded   A)  I  can  learn  valuable  lessons  from  their  successes
              a music group called "Kurtalan Ekspres". He took        and failures.
              some awards during his life. He died in 1999.        B)  Unfortunately, I have to read them for my literature
            According to the text, Barış Manço ................ .
                                                                   C)  I can gain knowledge from the remarkable journeys
            A)  made a career in three different fields
                                                                      of others.
            B)  was fifty six years old when he died
                                                                   D)  They  offer  a  window  into  the  lives  of  extraordinary
            C)  raised two children in a foreign country              people.
            D)  took his high school education in Belgium
                                                               10.     Thomas Edison was an American
        7.   Amy: I did some research about William Shakespeare     inventor and businessman who
            for my literature homework on the Net last night. I think   developed many devices that
            he was one of the greatest playwrights in history. He had   greatly influenced life around
            154 sonnets and around 40 plays.                        the world. These include the
                                                                    phonograph, the motion
            Dave: Yeah, he is my favourite in English literature. I   picture camera and the
            love his plays such as Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and    practical electric light bulb.
            Macbeth. I can watch them on stage again and again.     We can say that he is one of the

            We can understand from the dialogue above that,         greatest inventors in history.
            ............ .
                                                                   It is clear from the information above that ... .
            A)  Amy  likes  some  of  Shakespeare’s  plays,  but  Dave   A)  he didn’t create a new device in music field
                                                                   B)  he got big achievements in his career
            B)  they  think  Shakespeare  didn’t  have  a  talent  about
               writing plays                                       C)  he developed only three great devices
                                                                   D)  he had more successes as a businessman
            C)  both of them find Shakespeare very talented with his
                                                               11.  Mehmed II was born on the thirtieth of March, fourteen
            D)  they  think  some  of  Shakespeare’s  plays  are  worse   thirty two in Edirne.
               than his other plays
                                                                   Which date can we write instead of the underlined
                                                                   phrase in the sentence above?
        8.   Neil Armstrong was an American astronaut. He joined   A) 30  March 1432      B) 31  March 1432
            the NASA Astronaut Corps in 1962. He made his first    C) 20  March 1342      D) 21  March 1423
            flight  in  1966.  He  was  one  of  the  cabin  astronauts  of
            Apollo  11  when  NASA  launched  it  on  July  16,  1969.
            Thus, he became the first person to walk on the Moon.   12.  Marie Curie won Nobel Prizes in two different fields of
            He died in 2012.                                       science: physics and chemistry, so .......... .
            Find the date that is mentioned in the text above.     Complete the sentence with the suitable option.

            A)  In eighteen sixty nine.                            A)  she was an extraordinary scientist
            B)  In nineteen sixty three.                           B)  she lost her health because of her works
            C)  In nineteen ninety six.                            C)  she discovered two new radioactive elements

            D)  In two thousand and twelve.                        D)  she had an ordinary life with her husband
                                                         20                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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