Page 23 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 23


        7.                                                     10.
               Pablo Picasso was one of the most influential and     My best friend, David came from a poor family, but
               famous artists of the twentieth century. He grew up   he was ambitious. (I) He worked at a supermarket
               in Spain when he was born on October 25, 1881.        after school during his early ages. (II) He left his
               His  father  was  an  artist  and  art  professor  who   hometown to travel around the world. (III) But he
               gave Pablo art lessons. Pablo attended a famous       never gave up and completed his education, and
               art  school  in  Barcelona  in  1895.  However,  he   then he became a successful lawyer. (IV)
               was bored with the classic teaching of art school
               because he wanted to create something new. He
               began to experiment with a new style of painting    Which sentence disrupts the meaning of the text?
               called Cubism. Three Musicians and the Portrait     A) I          B) II         C) III         D) IV
                               of Ambroise Vollard are some
                               examples of Picasso’s Cubism
                               paintings. He died on April 8,   11.  Marie Curie was one of the most famous physicists in
                               1973.                               history. She .................. because she worked on Physics
                                                                   for many years.

            According to the text above, Pablo Picasso .......... .  Which of the following is appropriate for the blank?

            A)  was  fourteen  years  old  when  he  entranced  the  art   A)  was 67 when she died
               school in Barcelona in eighteen ninety five         B)  was born in Poland
            B)  was  born  on  the  fifteenth  of  October  in  eighteen   C)  made great discoveries
               seventy one                                         D)  got married twice
            C)  lost  his  life  on  the  eighteenth  of  April  in  nineteen
               seventy four
            D)  was eighty two years old when he died on the eighth
               of April in nineteen seventy three

        8.   Agatha  Christie  was  an  English  writer  of  crime  and
            romantic  novels.  She  took  many  awards.  She  died  in    Name           Barbara McClintock
            nineteen seventy - six.                                   Date of Birth      June 16, 1902
            Which of the following is related to the underlined       Profession         Scientist and cytogeneticist
            phrase in the text?                                                           Nobel Prize in Physiology
            A) 1967       B) 1976      C) 1097       D) 1876                           or Medicine in 1983
                                                                      Date of Death      September 2, 1992

                                                                   Look at the information about Barbara McClintock.
                                                                   Which of the options is not correct according to the
        9.   Architect Sinan was one of the greatest of the Ottoman   A)  She was born on the sixteenth of June, nineteen oh
            architects. ................... Selimiye Mosque.
            Choose the best option for the blank.
                                                                   B)  She  received  the  Nobel  Prize  in  nineteen
            A)  His most famous work is                               eighty - three.

            B)  He didn’t want to build                            C)  She was a successful scientist and cytogeneticist.
            C)  He became an engineer                              D)  She  died  on  the  twentieth  of  September,  nineteen

            D)  His father’s name was                                 ninety - two.
                                                         22                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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