Page 22 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 22


                           TEST 2           Çözümler için     4.         Martin  Cooper  is  an  American  engineer
                                                                         and he is widely regarded as the father of
       1.   Morgan: .......................................................   the cellular phone. He built the first mobile
                                                                         cell  phone  in  1973.  From  this  phone,
           Elizabeth: Because I received a scholarship to a good         Cooper made the world's first cell - phone
           university there.
           Complete the dialogue with the correct option.

           A)  When did you graduate from university              Which of the following question does not have an
           B)  Where did you study in university                  answer in the text above?
           C)  Why did you move to London                         A)  Who is the inventor of the first mobile cell phone?

           D)  What did you study at university                   B)  When did Cooper invent the mobile cell phone?
                                                                  C)  What did Cooper do using his invention?

       2.                                                         D)  Why did Cooper want to design a mobile phone?
             Cahit Arf was born in Thessaloniki in 1910. He was a
             Turkish mathematician. He graduated from the Ecole
             Normale Superieure in 1932. He worked as a maths
             teacher at Galatasaray High School for a while. In
             1943, he became a professor in Istanbul University
             Faculty of Science. He started to give mathematics   5.   Alice: Clara, look! I found some photos for my biography
             lessons  in  Robert  College.  Then,  between  1964   project.
             and 1966, he worked at the Institute for Advanced    Clara: Hmm... The photos are about the phonograph,
             Study  at  Princeton  in  the  United  States.  In  1967,   the modern light bulb, the electrical grid and the motion
             he  returned  to Turkey  and  joined  the  Middle  East   picture camera.
             Technical University in Ankara.
                                                                  Alice:  Yes.  Do  you  know  who  was  behind  these
           The text above is mainly about Cahit Arf’s .......... .
                                                                  Clara: Of course Thomas Alva Edison! It is really difficult
           A) career             B) education
                                                                  to imagine the modern world without the contributions
           C) childhood          D) achievements                  of him.

                                                                  We can understand from the dialogue above that
       3.     Name         Alexander Fleming                      .................... .
              Birth        August 6, 1881                         A)  Edison didn’t have a good career in science
              Education    ............................................  B)  Clara has a negative opinion about Edison
              Achievement   He discovered penicillin in 1928.
                                                                  C)  Edison was a successful inventor in history
              Award        He received the Nobel Prize in 1945.
                                                                  D)  Edison’s inventions didn’t change the world at all
              Death        March 11, 1955

           Fill in the blank with the correct option.

           A)  He studied medicine at St. Mary’s Hospital Medical
              School at the University of London.
                                                              6.   Albert Einstein was a ............... scientist. He made many
           B)  He  worked  as  a  bacteriologist  in  the  Royal  Army   contributions to the field of theoretical physics. “E = mc ”
              Medical Corps during World War I.                   was probably one of the most well - known equations he
           C)  He  was  very  interested  in  medicine  from  an  early   produced.
              age, and did very well in school.                   Fill in the blank with the suitable option.

           D)  He discovered a naturally produced chemical in the   A) brilliant        B) unsuccessful
              human body that works as a mild antiseptic.         C) untalented         D) lonely
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      21
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