Page 24 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 24


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.   Cameron: Where were you born, Margaret?
                                             okutunuz             Margaret: I was born in Cleveland, the USA and I lived
                                                                  there until I was 18 years old. I won a scholarship at
       1.   Louis Braille was a French educator who developed a   Princeton University in Chemistry in 1995, so I moved
           system of printing and writing called Braille in 1824.
                                                                  to New Jersey.
           Find  the  option  that  is  related  to  the  year  in  the
           sentence above.                                        Cameron: Really? That’s unbelievable! I went to the same
                                                                  university to study physics between 1997 and 2001.
           A) nineteen twenty - two   B) eighteen twenty - four
                                                                  According to the dialogue above, what do Cameron
           C) eighteen forty - two    D) nineteen twenty - four
                                                                  and Margaret have in common?
                                                                  A)  They were born in the same country.

                                                                  B)  They lived in Cleveland when they were young.
            Occupation: Author                                    C)  They studied different fields at the same university.
            Birth:  November 13, 1850                             D)  They were in New Jersey between the same years.
                  Edinburgh, Scotland
            Family: Married to Fanny Osbourne
            Education: Edinburgh University    Robert Louis
            Famous  Works:  Treasure  Island,  The  Strange  Case    5.          Benjamin Franklin
            of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Kidnapped, The Black Arrow
                                                                    He  was  not  only  one  of  the  Founding  Fathers  of
            Death: December 3, 1894 Vailima, Somao                  the  United  States  of America,  but  he  was  also  an
                                                                    inventor and scientist. Perhaps he is most famous
           What cannot we say according to the information          for  his  experiments  with  electricity.  He  conducted
           about Robert Louis Stevenson?                            his kite experiment to prove that lightning is in fact
           A)  He was a Scottish writer and he wrote some popular
                                                                                 Stephanie Kwolek
           B)  He enrolled at Edinburgh University and then had a
                                                                    He invented the Kevlar in 1971. Kevlar is a kind of
              successful career.                                    synthetic material, and it is five times as strong as

           C)  He  got  married  to  Fanny  Osbourne  and  had  a  big   steel.
                                                                  According to the saying on the information notes,
           D)  He  died  on  the  third  of  December,  eighteen   .................. .
              ninety - four.
                                                                  A)  they both contributed to science with different things

                                                                  B)  they invented new things to make people’s life easier
                                                                  C)  both of them were discoverers in science history
       3.   I.  He is known as “the man who discovered America” in
             history.                                             D)  they worked on the same field of science to invent
           II. Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and his   something
             birth date is 1451.
           III. But he never knew what an amazing discovery he had
           IV. He would make three more voyages to the Americas   6.   James Watson was ........... in York, England in 1867, but
             to explore the New World.                            he ...........  in London. He ........... to Jane Austen in 1898.

           Put the sentences into the correct order to make a     Which of the following words is not used to complete
           meaningful text.                                       any of the blanks?

           A) I - IV - II - III   B) II - I - III - IV            A) born               B) moved
           C) II - III - I - IV   D) IV - I - II - III            C) got married        D) grew up
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      23
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