Page 28 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 28


                            TEST 1          Çözümler için     4.      Hello,  my  name  is  Thomas  Hobbs.  I’m  an  Africa
                                                                    safari guide. I enjoy watching wild animals in their
       1.   A(n) ........ has wings, but it can’t fly. So, it is a flightless   natural  habitat.  But  lions  are  my  favourite.  They
           bird. It uses its short, paddlelike wings as flippers for   seem  harmless,  but  they  can  be  very  dangerous
           swimming. You can see the black and white color on its   because they can attack people. They usually hunt
           body.                                                                      at night and zebras are good
                                                                                      prey  for  them.  They  usually
           Which picture is related to the word that completes                        work  together  to  hunt  their
           the blank in the text above?
                                                                                      prey.  They  are  really  great
           A)                    B)                                                   hunters with their strong claws.

                                                                  Which of the following option can we say according
                                                                  to the passage above?

                                                                  A)  Lions prefer hunting alone in the jungle at night.
           C)                    D)
                                                                  B)  The African savanna is lions’ natural habitat.

                                                                  C)  Lions are herbivores and harmless animals.
                                                                  D)  Thomas isn’t interested in animals in the wild.

       2.   Tigers are larger than all other wild cats. They eat meat,   Kind: Mammal
           so they are ...... . They usually hunt alone at night.   Habitat: Forests and grasslands

           Complete the blank with the correct option.             Diet: Plants
           A) carnivores         B) herbivores                     Height: 4 - 5 m
           C) heavy              D) warm - blooded                 Weight: 8 tons
                                                                   Reasons of their extinction: Hunting - climate

                                                                  We can understand from the information card above
       3.                                                         that mammoths .... .

            Mammals  are  animals  that  have  hair  and  are     A)  weren’t big and heavy animals
            warm - blooded, which means they can regulate their
            body  temperature.  When  baby  mammals  are  born,   B)  still live in forests and grasslands today
            they  drink  milk  from  their  mothers.  Mammals  have   C)  are endangered animals in the wildlife
            different  diets;  some  eat  only  meat,  some  eat  only   D)  were herbivores and gave birth their babies
            plants, and some eat both. Mammals can also have
            different ways of living. Some, like tigers, prefer to live
            alone and do things by themselves. Others, like lions,   6.   The  Asian  elephants  are  enormous  mammals.  They
            enjoy  being  part  of  a  family  group  where  they  work   are herbivores, too. They live in forests. They live for
            together to find food and take care of their babies.   50 years, but today they are becoming extinct because
                                                                  ................ .

           Which one is correct according to the text above?      Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.

           A)  A mammal’s body temperature never changes.         A)  people hunt them for their tusks
           B)  All mammals have the same eating habit.            B)  they are in safe in their habitat
           C)  Some mammals live in groups, some don’t.           C)  people don’t preserve wildlife

           D)  Most of mammals are herbivores.                    D)  people should definitely protect them
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      27
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