Page 31 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 31


        7.                                                     10.  Sabrina:  Do you do anything to protect animals, John?
                             There are five types of rhinoceros:
                             White,  Black,  Indian,  Javan  and   John: Yes, of course. I am the member of an organization
                             Sumatran.  Rhinos  have  lived  on    called ‘Save Future’. ........................ You know there are a
                             earth for over 50 million years and   lot of endangered animals today.
                             today, they can have a lifespan of    Choose the suitable option to complete the blank.
                             35  to  40  years. They  are  famous
                             for their horns. They are also very   A)  I think people never want to harm animal species.
                             large. They are herbivores, so they   B)  Animals can move to another place to live.
                             .................. .
                                                                   C)  Some  animal  species  can  be  so  dangerous  for

            Choose the suitable option to fill in the blank.          humans.
                                                                   D)  I work for animals in danger there for long years.
            A)  mainly eat large mammals like tigers
            B)  can easily weigh more than 4000 kg
            C)  have very thick skin and short legs

            D)  only feed on plants like grass and leaves      11.                A gray wolf       A leopard

                                                                     Class         mammal            mammal
                                                                     Eat / Prey      meat              meat
                                                                     Lifespan      6 - 8 years      12 - 17 years

        8.   Kevin: Elephants are mammals. They have got a long                 mainly in forests,
            trunk and big ears. They have got four legs and a short    Habitat  also grasslands,   jungles, mountains
            tail.                                                                 deserts and
            Molly: Piranhas are freshwater fish. They live in South
            American rivers. I think they seem so dangerous.         Weight        25 - 50 kg        50 - 90 kg
                                                                     Height      1,4 - 1,8 meters  about 2 meters
            David: The Sumatran Orangutan is a mammal. It feeds on                               habitat loss, illegal
            fruit, leaves and insects. It has got red fur and long arms.   Threat  habitat loss
            Gina: Eagles are a kind of bird. They live for about 40
            years. They are carnivores.                            According  to  the  information  in  the  table  above,
                                                                   ............................... .
            Who is talking about an animal’s habitat according
            to the information above?                              A)  a gray wolf is taller and lives longer than a leopard
            A) David      B) Gina      C) Molly     D) Kevin       B)  they  both  are  carnivores  and  they  can  live  in  the
                                                                      same habitat
                                                                   C)  a leopard is not heavier and bigger than a gray wolf

                                                                   D)  they  both  are  in  danger  of  extinction  because  of
        9.   There are a lot of different kinds of animals on the world.
            Some live in the water, some live in jungles or deserts
            and others spend most of their lives in the air. Briefly,
            ........................ .

            Choose the appropriate option for the blank.       12.  Many  years  ago,  our  oceans  were  full  of  fish  but
                                                                   unfortunately, this is not the case today. Because people
            A)  animals  have  different  natural  habitats  from  each   hunt them more than they need.
                                                                   What is the main problem according to the passage
            B)  animals live in the same habitat during all their life  above?
            C)  animals’ eating habits aren’t different from each other  A) Extinction    B) Habitat destruction

            D)  animals don’t need a special place to live and survive  C) Deforestation   D) Overkilling
                                                         30                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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