Page 32 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 32


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.
       1.   Gareth: ....................................................

           Tina:  They  are  cold - blooded  animals.  For  example;
           lizards, crocodiles, etc.

           Find the correct question to complete the dialogue.

           A)  Did you see any wild animals?                       The  loggerhead  sea  turtles,  also  known  as
           B)  What does cold-blooded mean?                        loggerheads, are a species of marine reptile. They get
                                                                   their name because of their large heads. They usually
           C)  What kind of animals eat leaves?
                                                                   live around Indian and Pacific Oceans. They choose
           D)  What do you know about reptiles?                    beaches  to  breed  their  eggs.  They  eat  fish,  squid,
                                                                   jellyfish, crabs and other small sea animals. They can
                                                                   live 30 to 50 years or more, but they are in danger
       2.                                                          of  extinction. The  main  reason  of  their  extinction  is
                             Every  animal  plays  a  role  in     global warming.
                             the  ecosystem,  so  losing  one
                             species can affect many others.      According to the information above, which option is
                             Because there seems to be an         not correct?
              ecological balance between all animals in nature.
              Sum up, we can say that ..................... .     A)  They are a type of turtle that live in the oceans.

                                                                  B)  They are both carnivores and reptiles.
           Which option is the best to complete the blank in the   C)  They are becoming extinct because their lifespan is
           paragraph above?
           A)  all animals have important roles in the ecosystem  D)  They can’t give birth their babies.
           B)  only wild animals are important for the food chain

           C)  animals don’t have a key role in the ecosystem  5.   Andy:  I  watched  a  documentary  about  cheetahs  last
           D)  animals are hunted by people for the balance of the   night. They are the fastest animals in the world. Do you
              nature                                              know that?
                                                                  Mark: No, I don’t. ........................?
                                                                  Andy: They live in East and South Africa’s jungles.
                             Name: Black Rhino
                                                                  Fill in the blank with the correct option.
                             Length of Life: 40  - 50 years
                                                                  A) Are they mammals   B) Where do they live
                                 Kind: mammal   /   herbivore
                                                                  C) What do they eat   D) Are they becoming extinct
                                   Population: only 5000
                                   Weight: 800 - 1,350 kg
                                      Habitat: Africa         6.   Many species of animals are extinct such as pandas,
                                                                  tigers and birds. People are responsible for the extinction
                                      Size: 2 meters
                                                                  of these animals because .................... .
                                      Food: plants
                                                                  Which expression is not completed the blank in the
           According to the information card above, we can say    paragraph above?
           about black rhinos that .................. .           A)  humans hunt wild animals for their fur, skin or meat
           A)  they aren’t in danger of extinction                B)  humans destroy the habitats of these animals

           B)  they don’t give their babies                       C)  humans  cut  down  trees  in  forests  and  pollute  the
           C)  they are enormous land animals                        environment

           D)  they have a very short lifespan                    D)  humans vaccinate animals against some diseases
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      31
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