Page 29 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 29


        7.   Jason: I need your help about my homework, Kylie. Can   10.
            you give me some examples for wild animals?              Reptiles have scales on their bodies, and most of
                                                                     them lay eggs. They are cold - blooded, which means
            Kylie:  Sure.  Tigers,  lions,  elephants,  giraffes,  wolfs,   they don't have a constant body temperature. They
            monkeys and pandas are some wild animals. They live      can be found in various places, like deserts, forests,
            in jungles.
                                                                     and  even  in  water.  Some  common  examples
            Jason: What about pets?                                  of  reptiles  include  snakes,  turtles,  lizards,  and
            Kylie:  People  give  them  shelters  or  food. They  need   crocodiles.
            people to survive. Cats, dogs and canary birds are some
            examples of them.                                      Which of the following questions does not have an
                                                                   answer in the text above?
            According to the conversation above, .... .
                                                                   A)  Where do reptiles live?
            A)  wild  animals  and  pets  can  survive  everywhere  by
               themselves                                          B)  How do reptiles reproduce?
                                                                   C)  What do reptiles eat?
            B)  pets and wild animals share the same natural habitat
            C)  Jason has more information about wild animals than   D)  Why do reptiles’ body temperature always change?

            D)  Jason  wants  Kylie  to  give  information  about  wild
               animals and pets                                11.  Isaac joins the campaigns against killing animals for their
                                                                   fur, skins, teeth or sport every year. Because .............. .
                                                                   Which one cannot we use to complete the blank?

                                                                   A)  he thinks animal species are in danger
        8.   Some animals became extinct and unfortunately, there
            are many endangered animals such as loggerhead sea     B)  he is an animal lover and wants to protect them
            turtles,  African  elephants,  Sumatran  orangutans  and   C)  all animal species can find new places to live
            giant pandas. Human beings are responsible for most of   D)  animals are necessary for the ecological balance of
            the extinctions. However, we can protect the endangered   the Earth
            ones. For that, we should ..... .
            Complete the paragraph with the correct option.

            A)  stop destroying their habitats to get new areas  12.  The graphic below shows the results of a study on some

            B)  hunt them for their skins, fur or teeth            major causes of extinction of animal species.
            C)  pollute the environment with our trash                          overhunting  habitat loss
            D)  not show respect to animals
                                                                           change     27%    39%

        9.                                                                                     10%
               Snakes are reptiles. They are poisonous, so they                    4%
               are dangerous. They are carnivores. There are                             2%
               two different types of snakes. One type lives in                                harmful species
                water and other type lives on land.                         pollution
            What can we say according to the text above?           According to the results, we should first ......... .
            A)  They are domestic animals.                         A)  make campaigns to protect the animal species

            B)  They only eat meat.                                B)  prevent killing animals for their skins or tusks
            C)  They can’t harm people.                            C)  take precautions against the climate change

            D)  All of them have the same habitat.                 D)  stop the habitat destruction for all animals
                                                         28                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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