Page 27 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 27


        6.                                Family: He married   9.   Rebecca: Do you have any information about Alexander
            Birth: He was                 three times and had      Graham Bell?
            born on 18                    six children.
            July, 1918 in                                          Daniel: Yes, I do. ........................... It made communication
            Mvezo, South                                           very easy.
            Africa.                                                Choose the correct option for the blank.
            Education: He                  Award: ................   A)  He invented the first working telephone.
            went to the                    ............................  B)  He discovered the laws of motion and gravity.
            College of Fort
            Hare. Then, he                                         C)  He wrote a book about communication ways.
            graduated from                                         D)  He developed many theories and did experiments.
            the University of

            This timeline above belongs to Nelson Mandela.
                                                               10.  Salvador Dali moved to Madrid when he was seventeen
            Which option is appropriate to fill in the blank?
                                                                   because he wanted to study art. ............. Some of his
            A)  He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.              paintings are very popular in the world.
            B)  He served his country for sixty - seven years.     Fill in the blank with the best option.

            C)  He fought against racial differences in South Africa.  A)  He didn’t receive a scholarship for a good art school.
            D)  He became the president of South Africa in 1994.   B)  He was called a talentless student at school.
                                                                   C)  He tried to create a new style in art, but he became
        7.   William: Leonardo Da Vinci wasn’t just a great painter.   D)  He was good at art and painted beautiful pictures.
            He was also a sculptor, an architect, a poet, a composer,
            a scientist, a mathematician and an inventor.
            Maggie: Leonardo Da Vinci drew pictures and designs
            of  hang  gliders,  helicopters,  war  machines,  musical   11.  My brother ....... to Los Angeles to become an artist eight
            instruments, various pumps, and more.                  years ago. He ...... very successful and acted in many

            Charles: Leonardo Da Vinci died on May 2, 1519 at Clos   popular movies. But he ..... a car accident last year.
            Luce in France where he had spent the last few years of   Choose the correct option to complete the blanks.
            his life, just a few weeks after his 67th birthday.
                                                                   A)  graduated / was / received
            Lizzie: When Leonardo Da Vinci was about 15, he began
            studying with the artist Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence.   B)  raised / were / died
            Verrocchio taught him about painting, sculpture, and the   C)  moved / was / had
            design of mechanical devices.
                                                                   D)  studied / was / met
            According to the information above, who is talking
            about Leonardo Da Vinci’s education?

            A) Charles    B) Lizzie    C) Maggie    D) William
                                                               12.  Linda: .................................................

                                                                   Amy: The twenty first of November, two thousand and
        8.   Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft. He was ....... in   one.
            Washington, the USA in 1955. He ........... in Seattle with   Complete the dialogue with the correct question.
            his two sisters. He ........... his first computer program at
            the age of 13.                                         A)  Which school did you graduate from?
                                                                   B)  Who was born in 2001?
            Which one is not suitable for any of the blanks in the
            text above?                                            C)  When were you born?

            A) grew up     B) wrote      C) born     D) died       D)  Where were you born?
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