Page 25 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 25


        7.   Victoria: I have a project homework on Charles Dickens’   10.
            biography. What do you know about him?                   Marie  Curie  was  born  in  Warsaw,  Poland  on
                                                                     November 7, 1867. She grew up in Poland and had
            Matthew: He was a British successful novelist. Today     a general education in local schools, but she moved
            there are lots of his works at libraries and bookshops.  to Paris to continue her education. She graduated

            Victoria: .............................................. ?  from the University of Paris in 1894. She got married
                                                                     to Pierre Curie on July 26, 1895. She discovered
            Matthew:  Yes.  “Great  Expectations”,  “A  Tale  of  Two   two new elements for the periodical table with her
            Cities” and “Oliver Twist” are his popular works.
                                                                     husband. She named one of the elements polonium
            Which question does Victoria ask Matthew?                and the other radium. In 1911, she won the Nobel
                                                                     Prize in Chemistry for discovering these elements.
            A)  What kind of books did he write
                                                                     She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize. All of
            B)  Why are his books so popular today                   her years, she worked with radioactive materials, so
            C)  Was he a literary author                             she lost her health. She died on July 4, 1934.
            D)  Did he read his own books                          According to the text above, Marie Curie .............. in

                                                                   nineteen eleven.
               Samuel  Morse  was  born  on  27th April,  1791  in   A)  took an award for her discoveries about radioactive
               Charleston, Massachusetts, the USA. He was an          elements
               inventor  of  both  the  electric  telegraph - a  way  to   B)  enrolled at the University of Paris to study chemistry
                             communicate over long distances
                             and  Morse  code,  a  language  he    C)  became ill because of her work on radioactivity
                             co - invented  for  communicating     D)  began to live in a different country for her university
                             over  the  electric  telegraph.  He      education
                             died  in  New  York  City  on  2nd
                             April, 1872.

                                                               11.  Elvis Presley was a very talented rock music singer and
            In the text above, you cannot reach the information    he was so popular all around the world. He was born in
            about Samuel Morse’s .................... .
                                                                   Mississippi on the eighth of January in eighteen thirty
            A) place of death      B) achievements                 five. He was very famous and rich, but unfortunately he
            C) date of birth       D) education                    was a lonely man. He was at the age of 42 when he died
                                                                   because of a heart attack.
        9.   Naomi: What are you reading, Pamela?                  According to the text above, which option shows
                                                                   Elvis Presley’s date of death?
            Pamela:  Well, I’m reading the biography of Steve Jobs.
                                                                   A) 1877       B) 1879      C) 1897       D)1977
            Naomi: Really? I think he was one of the most inspirational
            people in modern history because ..................... .

            Pamela: Yeah, I definitely agree with you.
                                                               12.  Nancy: What did you study at university?
            Which of the following option is not appropriate to
            complete the dialogue?                                 Brenda: I studied chemistry.
                                                                   Nancy: ...................................................... ?
            A)  he proved to the world if you have an idea and you
               believe in it, then nothing else matters            Brenda: Because I like doing experiments and developing
                                                                   new drugs.
            B)  he  thought  that  people  can  waste  their  time  living
               someone else’s life because it isn’t limited        Find the question that Nancy asks Brenda.
            C)  his whole life and work are more inspirational than   A)  Why did you study chemistry at university
               the technologies he gave to the world               B)  Which university did you graduate from

            D)  he was probably the best motivation for people who   C)  Why did not you choose chemistry as a career
               thinks defeats are the end of life                  D)  What did you do after graduating from university
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