Page 35 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 35


        7.   William: I think the population of animals will seriously   10.
            decrease in the near future. There are a lot of animal     Hello, my name is Ethan. I am an animal lover
            species in danger of becoming extinct in the world.        and  an  eco - friendly  person.  I  often  prepare
                                                                       campaigns  to  protect  the  environment.  Also,  I
            Sam: I agree with you. We can do lots of things to prevent      work  for  an  organization  called  "Hopes
            this situation.                                                      for  Future".  This  organization  helps

            William: Really? Can you give me an example?                          street  animals  such  as  cats  and
                                                                                   dogs.  We  mustn't  forget  that  all
            Sam: Of course. ................................................
                                                                                   animals  are  necessary  for  planet
            Which option is not suitable to fill in the blank?                    Earth's ecosystem, so .............. .

            A)  We can donate some money to an organization that
               helps animals.                                      Complete the gap with the appropriate option.

            B)  We  can  take  the  endangered  species  under
                                                                   A)  we should disturb their habitats and kill them
                                                                   B)  people should hunt animals and wear fur
            C)  We  can  join  a  wildlife  preservation  group  or  even
               start a new one.                                    C)  we shouldn’t educate people about saving wildlife
                                                                   D)  humans should provide shelters and food for animals
            D)  We can visit zoos to see wild animals in our leisure

                                                               11.  (I)  Lots  of  animal  species  are  in  danger  of  becoming
                                                                   extinct because of overhunting. (II) So, my classmates
        8.                                                         and  I  prepared  a  campaign  to  protect  endangered
                Hi, I'm Carolina. I love all sea creatures except   animals  from  extinction  last  week.  (III)  I  watched
                one. It lives in lakes and rivers in South America.   documentaries  about  hunters  yesterday.  (IV)  Many
                   It is a small fish, but it has sharp teeth. It is   students and their parents donated some money.
                         so  dangerous  because  it  can  attack
                           and kill people. Despite of the fact    Which sentence disrupts the meaning of the text?
                           that, some people have it at home.      A) I          B) II         C) III         D) IV
                           I  think  it  should  live  in  its  natural

            Which animal is Carolina talking about?            12.                       The dodo bird became

            A)                     B)                                                    extinct 350 years ago.
                                                                                         Dodos lived on Mauritius
                                                                                         Island. They were
                                                                                         herbivores and they ate
            C)                     D)
                                                                                         fruits. They were about 20
                                                                      kg and they measured 1 m. The main reason of
                                                                      their extinction was overhunting. We don’t have
                                                                      dodos anymore, but we can do something for
                                                                      the animals in danger.

                                                                   Which question does not have an answer in the text?
        9.   We can’t see the Tasmanian tigers anywhere because
            they ............. . Unfortunately, they aren’t alive.   A)  When did dodos become extinct?
            Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.         B)  Where did dodos live before extinction?

            A) attacked humans     B) became extinct               C)  How tall and heavy were dodo birds?
            C) lived in the jungles   D) moved to new areas        D)  What did people do to protect dodos?
                                                         34                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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