Page 37 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 37


        7.                                                     10.  Amy: What is on TV tonight, dear?
              Presenter: Welcome to "Unique Flavors". Today, we
              are  making  spaghetti  carbonara  –  a  classic  Italian   Hank: There is a soap opera and a talk show. Which one
              favorite. Let's share the ingredients before heading to   do you like watching?
              the kitchen with Chef Aaron Glasgow.                 Amy: Soap operas are very absurd, but ......... . I enjoy
                                                                   learning about the life stories of celebrities.
            In which type of programme can you hear the speech     Which one is suitable to complete the dialogue?
            A) Sports programme    B) Reality show                 A)  I like watching talk shows

            C) Documentary         D) Cookery programme            B)  I like soap operas more than talk shows
                                                                   C)  I prefer reading books to watching TV
                                                                   D)  I think watching TV is a waste of time

                                                               11.  A  research  company  conducted  a  survey  and  asked
                                                                   100  boys  and  100  girls  about  their  TV  programme
                                                                   preferences. Here are the results:
             Tom watches TV more than 5 hours a day. Watching
             TV  is  his  favourite  after  school  activity.  He  usually   Programme    Number of  Number of
             skips  meals  to  watch  TV.  He  watches  all  kinds  of   preferences        boys        girls
             TV  programmes,  but  he  likes  reality  shows  most.      Documentary         5           10
             Moreover,  he  knows  the  times  of  his  favourite           Sitcom           10          18
             programmes. He stays up late to watch TV. He usually          Talk show         17          24
             eats snacks and hardly ever does physical exercises.
             His parents think he is a couch potato and television        Quiz show          26          43
             controls his life.                                             Series           42          5

            According to the text above, we can say about Tom      It is clear from the results of the survey that ........ .
            that ...... .                                          A)  talk  shows  are  the  second  popular  type  of  TV

            A)  he spends long hours watching TV                      programme among boys
            B)  he isn’t addicted to the television                B)  the same number of girls and boys prefer watching

            C)  he prefers watching TV only at weekends               different types of TV programmes
            D)  he dislikes programmes about real life             C)  girls like watching quiz shows and sitcoms less than

                                                                   D)  most of the boys like programmes about learning new
        9.   Sam: What do you think about your family’s watching      things, but girls don’t
            Ashley: In my family, nobody watches TV a lot. We limit
            our TV - watching hours and care about TV signs. I think
            ............... .                                  12.  Richard: Did you watch the documentary last night that I
            Sam: Yeah, I agree with you.                           recommended you?

            Find the suitable option to complete the dialogue.     Naomi: Yes, I did. It was fantastic. You know I really enjoy
                                                                   watching such ........ TV programmes to those reality
            A)  we usually watch all kinds of programmes           shows or soap operas.

            B)  we can’t live without television for a long time   Choose the correct word for the blank in the dialogue.
            C)  watching too much television is very harmful for us  A) nonsense          B) emotional

            D)  we like spending long hours in front of TV         C) horrible            D) educatioal
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