Page 42 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 42


                           TEST 4           Çözümler için     4.            Romantic   Sitcoms  Horror   Discussions
                                             okutunuz                        movies           movies
       1.   In ................, contestants try to win money or prizes by   Rachel
           answering questions.                                    Rachel's
           Choose the correct option to complete the blank.
           A) discussions        B) reality shows                  mom
           C) documentaries      D) quiz shows                     Rachel's

                                                                  According to the table above, which of the following
                                                                  option cannot we say?
       2.   Jonathan  is  a  couch  potato.  He  watches  TV  for  long
           hours  every  day.  Also,  he  watches  every  type  of  TV   A)  All  the  family  members  like  watching  characters  in
           programmes. However, ........ because he thinks TV signs   funny situations.
           help people to choose appropriate programmes on TV.
                                                                  B)  Only her dad is interested in programmes that people
           Which of the following option completes the blank         tell their opinions on a topic.
           in the text above?
                                                                  C)  Rachel  and  her  mom  prefer  watching  funny  and
           A)  he watches TV even at dinner table not to miss his    emotional programmes on TV.
              programmes                                          D)  Rachel’s parents like scary programmes more than
           B)  he generally prefers TV programmes according to his   emotional programmes.
           C)  he watches it if he sees the general audiences sign
              for a programme
                                                              5.   Mike: Do you pay attention to TV signs when you choose
           D)  he doesn’t care about the signs on TV programmes   appropriate programmes on TV?
              at all
                                                                  Veronica: Yes, of course. If I see the sign of    for a

                                                                  programme on the TV screen, I never watch it. Because
                                                                  I’m under 18.
               I'm interested in programmes that                  Which picture is used instead of the question mark
               people talk about their opinions                   to complete the dialogue?
               or thoughts on a topic.                            A)           B)           C)           D)

               I love programmes about giving
               information on different subjects in a
               factual or informative manner.
                                                              6.   Last night, I watched a quiz show. There was a question
               I prefer watching programmes that                  about Turkish Independence War. Unfortunately, I didn’t
               I can test my knowledge and learn                  know the answer of that question. But now, I know it. I
               new things.
                                                   Neil           like these programmes because ............ .
                                                                  Complete the blank with the appropriate option.
               I always follow the programmes about
               famous people. I really wonder their               A)  they don’t provide any benefits for improving your
               personal lives and other projects.
                                                   Anna              knowledge
                                                                  B)  you can learn lots of new things while watching them
           Who prefers watching documentaries according to
           the information above?                                 C)  you can’t test your knowledge when you watch them

           A) Gina       B) Paul      C) Neil      D) Anna        D)  they don’t provide us any useful information at all
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      41
   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47