Page 41 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 41


        7.   The  graphic  below  shows  the  results  of  a  study  on   10.  Tony: What is your favourite TV programme?
            the  preferences  of  100  teenagers  in  Britain  about  TV   Nora: My favourite TV programme is quiz show because
                                                                   I think it is very informative. I like documentaries, too. I
                                  reality shows                    think I expand awareness of the world around me thanks
                     soap operas                                   to these kinds of programmes. What about you?
                                           documentaries           Tony: I like documentaries and discussion programmes,
                talk shows       6 teens
                                                                   but reality shows are my favourite. And to be honest, I
                                                                   find quiz shows boring.
                              5 teens
                          11 teens
                  sitcoms   13 teens  45 teens                     According to the conversation, which one is correct?
                                                                   A)  They  are  talking  about  their  TV  programme
                              20 teens
                    programmes                                     B)  Both  of  them  prefer  watching  quiz  shows  to  reality
            According to the results of the study, which of the    C)  Nora likes documentaries more than quiz shows.
            following option is correct?                           D)  Tony  thinks  quiz  shows  and  documentaries  are

            A)  Most of the teens in Britain prefer watching talk shows   informative.
               to sports programmes.
            B)  Nearly  the  same  number  of  British  teens  prefer
               watching reality shows and soap operas.
            C)  Sitcoms and soap operas are as popular as sports   11.  Wendy: How often do you watch TV?
               programmes among British teens.                     Sandra: Every weekend, and sometimes after school. I

            D)  Documentaries are the second most preferred type   like documentaries and cartoons, but I never watch soap
               of programme among  teenagers in Britain.           operas because I think ................... .
                                                                   Fill in the blank with the suitable option.

                                                                   A)  they are very enjoyable
        8.   Andy: I think quiz shows are educational.             B)  they are amusing and interesting

            Bailey: ................. They are informative, too.   C)  they are informative and funny
            Which option is not appropriate for the blank?         D)  they are a waste of time

            A) You are right.      B) I don’t think so.
            C) I agree with you.   D) That’s true.

                                                               12.  I think my cousin, Peter is a television addict because
                                                                   ................... .
        9.   Susan: There is my favourite soap opera on TV tonight.   Complete the blank with the suitable option.
            Do you fancy watching it with me?
                                                                   A)  he  watches  TV  for  more  than  twenty  four  hours  a
            Candy: Soap operas? Are you serious? ............ I never   week
            watch them.
                                                                   B)  he likes watching TV, but he doesn’t let it control his
            Choose the correct option to complete the blank.
            A)  I’m crazy about watching soap operas.
                                                                   C)  he  prefers  doing  something  interesting  instead  of
            B)  Soap operas are enjoyable to spend time on TV.        watching TV
            C)  Soap operas are the best programmes for me.        D)  he never does his homework in front of the TV when

            D)  I think soap operas are really boring.                it is on
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