Page 45 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 45


        7.                                                     10.  You should follow some steps to have a great party. One
              (I) I would like to throw a surprise birthday party for   of them is to decide your party place. If you decide it, you
              my best friend next Tuesday. (II) I don’t have much   need a lot of decorations. ................
              time, so I should first make a to do list to be faster. (III)
              I like organizing parties for my family members and   Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.
              friends a lot. (IV) I mustn’t forget any details about   A)  Buy balloons, bows and confetti for the place.
              the party.
                                                                   B)  Prepare a to - do list and do all of them.

            Which sentence disrupts the meaning of the text?       C)  Buy some snacks and drinks to offer your guests.
            A) I          B) II         C) III         D) IV       D)  Learn the exact number of the guests.

        8.   A research company asked 100 English people about
            what  kind  of  parties  they  like  most.  Here  are  their
                 Graduation                                    11.   1.  What do you need     A.  Yes, just a few,
                    party                     Barbecue                for the party?            please.
                                 7%                                 2.  Where is your tea     B.  Some snacks and
                                                                      party?                    beverages.
              Costume                    45%
                party        26%                                    3.  Would you like some   C.  It's at my cousin's
                                                                      cookies?                  cafe.

                                 14%    8%        Wedding          Which of the following matching is correct?
                                                                   A)  1 - C    B)  1 - B     C)  1 - A    D)  1 - B
                                                                     2 - A         2 - A        2 - C         2 - C
                             Birthday party
                                                                       3 - B       3 - C        3 - B         3 - A
            According to the graphic above, ....... .

            A)  many of English people like costume parties as much
               as barbecue parties
            B)  nearly  the  same  number  of  English  people  like
               graduation and wedding parties

            C)  birthday  parties  are  the  most  popular  party  type   12.  Tomorrow is Zoey’s birthday. Her friends want to have a
               among English people                                surprise party to celebrate her new age. The list below
            D)  most  of  English  people  join  birthday  parties  more   shows who should what for the party.
               than costume parties
                                                                            Brian - hang the banner
                                                                            Gloria - prepare a guest list
                                                                            Mandy - buy the candles
        9.   Your friend is arranging a garden party next Sunday. She       Jenny - make a cake
            / He invites you to the party. You have a plan with your        Caleb - arrange some music CDs
            family on that day, so you refuse the invitation.
                                                                            Tracey - blow up the balloons
            What do you say?                                                Simon - post the invitation cards
            A)  I’d love to, but I’m busy.
                                                                   According to the list above, who is responsible for
            B)  I will be there for sure.                          decorating the party place?
            C)  I can’t miss this party.                           A) Jenny and Simon     B) Brian and Tracey

            D)  Thanks, I’ll definitely join you.                  C) Mandy and Gloria    D) Caleb and Brian
                                                         44                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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