Page 50 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 50


                           TEST 4           Çözümler için     4.   Julie:  Hi  Wendy,  I’m  calling  you  for  my  pyjama  party.
                                                                  Would you like to come?
                                                                  Wendy: When and where is it, Julie?
       1.   Chris: ................................................. ?
                                                                  Julie: It is on Sunday, 26th May at Rainbow Cafe. It starts
           Billy: Yes, please. I feel so thirsty.
                                                                  at 8 p.m. Are you free?
           Chris: ............................................ ?
                                                                  Wendy: Yes. I have nothing to do then. I think I will be
           Billy: Thanks, but I don’t like it.                    there.
           Chris: ............................................ ?   Julie: I’m happy to hear that. See you at the party, Wendy.

           Billy: That would be great.                            Wendy: See you, Julie. Bye.
           Chris: OK. I’ll get it right now.                      According to the phone conversation above, what

           Which question does not Chris ask Billy?               cannot we say?
           A)  What about a glass of fruit juice                  A)  Julie calls Wendy to invite her to the party.

           B)  Would you like to drink something cold             B)  Julie will go to the party with Wendy.
           C)  Do you fancy drinking some lemonade                C)  Wendy doesn’t have a plan for the Sunday night.
           D)  Would you like something to eat                    D)  Wendy accepts the invitation because she’s available

       2.   Robert: What do we need for the party?
           Helen: We need .................... for the party. Can you buy
           some lemonade and orange juice, please?            5.   If  you  want  to  organize  a  dinner  party,  you  should
                                                                  ................ for your guests.
           Robert: Of course, I can.
                                                                  Which option is suitable to complete the blank?
           Choose the suitable option to complete the dialogue.
           A) some snacks        B) some beverages                A)  prepare some food and beverages
           C) a birthday cake    D) a lot of decorations          B)  wear your pyjamas and eat popcorn
                                                                  C)  wrap presents before the party
                                                                  D)  make a to - do list first

              My  mother's  friends  often  have  parties  and
              invite her. She never misses parties, especially
              her  friends'  birthday  parties.  Sometimes,  she
                     organizes  garden  and  tea  parties.  But   6.   Katie: I want to organize a surprise graduation party for
                         wedding  parties  are  her  favourite.   my brother, but it is a hard work. I don’t know what to do
                          She  feels  so  happy  when  she        for a great party.
                          attends  the  wedding  parties.         Evelyn: Don’t worry, I can help you. First, we should make
                          However,  she  always  helps  her       a to do list. Then, we should ........... because we should
                          friends with the party preparations.    make sure; how many guests do we invite? How many
                         Caleb                                    guests can attend?

           According to Caleb’s talk, his mother ....... .        Which option can we use to complete the dialogue?

           A)  isn’t a real party person                          A)  send the guests invitation cards
           B)  never becomes a host of a party                    B)  prepare a guest list
           C)  is crazy about joining the wedding parties         C)  welcome all the guests

           D)  doesn’t ask her friends to help for a party        D)  offer food and drinks to the guests
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      49
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