Page 48 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 48


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.
                                             okutunuz                    YOU ARE
       1.   Amy: How .............. balloons do you want to buy for the
           decorations of the party?                                We’re  having  a  birthday
                                                                    party for our lovely daughter
           Carter: Only ................ . We have already bought some.
                                                                    on Monday, 10  June. It is
           Complete the blanks with the correct option.             at our house and it starts at
                                                                    5 o’clock in the afternoon.
           A) a few / much       B) any / many
                                                                    We  are  waiting  for  all  of
           C) lots of / a few    D) many / a few                    you. Please join us.
                                                                    Sue’s parents

                                                                  Which of the following questions is not answered in
                                                                  the invitation card above?
       2.   Danny:  Hi,  Candy!  Listen.  I’m  throwing  a  fancy  dress
           party next Thursday. Do you fancy joining us?          A)  What type of a party are Sue’s parents having?

           Candy: .................. Fancy dress parties are one of my   B)  Why are Sue’s parents throwing a party?
           favourites. I’ll definitely be there.
                                                                  C)  How old is Sue going to be on 10th June?
           Which option completes the dialogue correctly?
                                                                  D)  Where and when is the party?
           A)  I’d love to. Thanks for the invitation.
           B)  Thanks for your invitation, but I can’t come.
           C)  I’m sorry, but I have another plan on that day.
                                                              5.   Sarah: I want to offer the guests something to eat at the
           D)  I’m afraid, I’m very busy that day.                party. How about making cookies, Brittany?

                                                                  Brittany: That’s a great idea, but ........... . We should go
                                                                  out and do the grocery shopping first.

                                                                  Sarah: OK. Let’s go.
       3.   New Message                                           Find the suitable option to complete the dialogue.
            From:       Rosie
                                                                  A)  we don’t have any eggs and flour at home
            To:         Gemma
                                                                  B)  we should buy a lot of beverages and decorations
            Date:       15.04.2023
                                                                  C)  I don’t want the party to be very crowded
            Subject:    Surprise Party!
                                                                  D)  you are not the host at this party
              Hello Gemma,

            I'm organizing a party to celebrate my graduation. It is
            on Saturday, 15  June. It is at 6 p.m. at Highland Cafe.
            Would you like to join us? I hope you can come. We'll
            have a lot of fun.                                6.   Sasha:  I’ll get a candy apple, Steve. Would you like one?
              Lots of love,                                       Steve: ...................... I dislike sweet things.
              Rosie                                               Sasha: OK. What about some orange juice?

           Which of the following question does not have an       Steve: ...................... I need a cold drink.
           answer in the email?                                   Find the suitable option to fill in the blank.
           A)  What is the date of the party?                     A)  No, thanks. / Yes, please.

           B)  What type of party is it?                          B)  That would be great. / Sure, why not?
           C)  What time does the party finish?                   C)  Sounds good. / It is a great idea.

           D)  Who is organizing the party?                       D)  Not now. Maybe later. / That sounds bad.
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      47
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