Page 43 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 43


        7.   Ron,  Tom,  Mia  and  Nick  play  a  game.  They  give  the   10.  Presenter: You have thirty seconds for answering. Think
            definitions of their favourite TV programmes and then   well and tell me which option is correct.
            they try to find the types of these programmes. Here are   Elizabeth: Okay. Hmm... I’m not sure, but I want to say
            their explanations:
                                                                   Option B.
            Mia: It is an ongoing programme about the day - to - day   Presenter: Congratulations! That is the correct answer.
            lives of a group of people.
                                                                   You won the big prize.
            Ron: It is a short programme with coloured animated    In  which  type  of  programme  can  you  hear  the
            drawings for children.                                 sentences above?

            Tom: Celebrity guests talk about their careers, private   A) Quiz show        B) Discussion
            lives and next projects in this programme.
                                                                   C) Reality show        D) Chat show
            Nick: It is an exciting programme to test one’s knowledge
            by answering questions.
            Which matching is false according to the text and the   11.
            definitions above?                                                          CHANNEL XP
            A) Ron - cartoon       B) Tom - talk show
                                                                    17 : 00   Top of the Pops
            C) Nick - quiz show    D) Mia - sitcom
                                                                    18:00    Delicious Recipes

                                                                    19:00    The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
                                                                    20:00    March of the Penguins
              My brother, Sam always watches “The Big Brother”     Which of the following is not correct according to the
              on  TV.  It  is  a  reality  show.  It  shows  real  events   TV guide above?
              about  ordinary  people.  Sometimes  he  watches
              “The Oprah Winfrey Talk Show”. There are some        A)  You can see celebrity guests on Channel XP at seven
              famous guests at this programme. He thinks reality      o’clock.
              shows  and  talk  shows                              B)  If  you  are  interested  in  cooking,  you  can  watch
               are  amusing.  He  rarely                              Channel XP at 6 p.m.
               watches quiz shows and
               documentaries  because                              C)  You can listen to the latest popular music on Channel
               he  finds  them  a  bit                                XP at five o’clock.
               boring.                                             D)  If you want to watch a discussion programme, you
                                                                      can watch it at eight o’clock.
            According to the text above, David ........... .

            A)  prefers watching quiz shows to reality shows
                                                               12.  Stefanie doesn’t always watch TV, but she sometimes
            B)  is called as a couch potato by his family
                                                                   watches “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”. She learns
            C)  is interested in the life stories of celebrities   many new things about the world while watching it. At
            D)  has negative opinions about talk shows and reality   weekends, she usually watches movies or talk shows.
               shows                                               She thinks they are amusing. She doesn’t prefer reality
                                                                   shows and soap operas because she finds them pretty
                                                                   boring. She doesn’t watch the commercials at all.

                                                                   We can understand from the text that ........... .
        9.   It is a kind of television or radio programme. A group of
            people come together to talk about a topic. They express   A)  she doesn’t prefer watching informative programmes
            their opinions in the programme.                       B)  she  is  interested  in  programmes  about  celebrities’
            What type of a programme is it?                           lives

            A) TV series           B) Quiz show                    C)  she likes soap operas more than quiz shows
            C) Reality show        D) Discussion                   D)  she is crazy about reality shows and the commercials
                                                         42                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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