Page 38 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 38


                           TEST 2           Çözümler için     4.   Vicky: Oh, great. There is my favourite soap opera on
                                                                  TV today. Do you fancy watching it with me?
                                                                  Hannah: Soap operas? .................................
       1.   If you watch a programme about the daily lives of the
           same group of people, and you can watch it regularly,   Vicky:  OK. What about the documentary on Channel B?
           that means you watch a ...................... .        Hannah: I like documentaries. ......................
           Choose the suitable option to complete the blank.      Vicky: It is about famous scientists in history.

           A) talk show          B) reality show
                                                                  Hannah: That’s interesting. ...........................
           C) soap opera         D) discussion
                                                                  Vicky: I think there is a quiz show on Channel D.
                                                                  Which option does not complete the conversation?

                                                                  A)  What is on after that?

                                                                  B)  I think they’re pretty boring.
                                                                  C)  What is it about?
               Hi, my name is Michael. I am a secondary school    D)  I think they are so exciting.
               student.  Unfortunately,  I'm  not  a  hardworking
                     student. My parents always say that I'm
                         a  telly  addict.  According  to  them,
                          ................  .  To  be  honest,  they're   5.
                          right.  I  think  I  should  change  my   Becky  likes  cartoons  and  talk  shows.  She  prefers
                          lifestyle.                               them  to  other  types  of  programmes.  She  thinks
                                                                   cartoons are funny and talk shows are amusing. She
                                                                   usually has snacks while watching TV. She watches
                                                                   more television at the weekends.
           Find the option that completes the gap in Michael’s
           speech.                                                Which of the following question does not have an
                                                                  answer in the text above?
           A)  I spend long hours in front of the TV
           B)  I have interesting and useful hobbies              A)  What kinds of TV programmes does she like?
           C)  I like studying my lessons more than watching TV   B)  Why does she prefer talk shows and cartoons?

           D)  I usually get high grades in the exams             C)  What does she do while watching television?
                                                                  D)  How  many  hours  does  she  spend  watching  TV  at

       3.   Andrew: I sometimes watch TV if there is a nice movie   6.   Nowadays, children spend too many hours in front of TV.
           on. I never have dinner in front of the TV.            Unfortunately, watching TV for long hours makes them
                                                                  lazy and aggressive, so they become couch potatoes.
           Charlotte: I spend nearly six hours in front of the TV. I   However,  they  can  do  interesting  and  useful  things
           usually stay up late to watch TV.                      instead of watching TV. Experts say ................ .
           Hailey: I watch television about five or six hours a week,   Which option completes the text correctly?
           but I never miss my favourite cartoon, Vikings.
                                                                  A)  parents should set a time limit for watching TV
           Lewis: I like watching TV in my free time, but my parents
           don’t allow me to watch too much TV, only two hours at   B)  children should watch whatever they want
           the weekends.                                          C)  parents should let their children free to watch TV for
           Read the children’s talks. Who is a television addict?    hours

           A) Charlotte   B) Lewis   C) Andrew    D) Hailey       D)  children should only watch commercials on TV
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      37
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