Page 40 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 40


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.                  Type of TV Programmes
                                                                        Talk shows Discussions Quiz shows  News
       1.   My favourite TV programme is “Wait and See.” It is a                    a waste of
           kind  of  reality  show.  It  starts  at  5  o’clock  on  Fridays.   Mark entertaining  time  informative  boring
                                                                   Kate  nonsense  informative educational interesting
           Find the best option for the blank.                                                a waste of
                                                                   Nick   exciting   boring               boring
           A)  I think it is very amusing.                                                       time
                                                                                    a waste of
           B)  I’m not into ordinary people’s lives.               Sue   amusing                boring  informative
           C)  Reality shows are usually boring.
           D)  I think reality shows are unbearable.              According to the chart above, which of the sentences
                                                                  is correct?
                                                                  A)  Nick prefers quiz shows and the news to talk shows.

                                                                  B)  Kate has positive ideas about discussion programmes
                                                                     and the news.
       2.                                                         C)  Mark  always  watches  the  news  and  discussion
              I  watched  my  favourite  .........  with  my  family   programmes.
              yesterday  night. There  was  a  different  prize  in
              that ........ . The host said that “The winner group   D)  Sue doesn’t like talk shows more than quiz shows.
              will  go  to  the  Maldives  as  a  prize.”  We  had  a
              great  time  while  watching  it.  I  highly  ........  to
              watch this programme to you.
                                                                    TV  signs  help  people  to  choose  appropriate
           Which word does not use to complete any of the           programmes on TV. Imagine that you turn on the TV
           blanks in the text above?                                and the remote control is in your hand. You begin to
           A) discussion         B) quiz show                       change channels and suddenly you see a movie on
           C) recommend          D) episode                         one of the TV channels. But you see two different
                                                                    TV signs for this movie. According to these signs, it
                                                                    is suitable for eighteen and over and also it includes
                                                                    violence / horror.

                                                                  Which option shows TV signs that are mentioned in
                                                                  the text?
       3.   Jess: Hey, Morgan! Are you busy tonight?
                                                                  A)                    B)
           Morgan: No, not at all. Why are you asking?
           Jess: There is a great science fiction movie on TV
           tonight. Shall we watch it together?                   C)                    D)
           Morgan: Sorry, but that’s a bad idea. I don’t like those
           kind of movies. .....................................

           Jess: OK, no problem. We can watch another one at
           another time.

           Complete the dialogue with the suitable option.    6.   My  father  usually  watches  documentaries  on  TV.  He
                                                                  thinks these programmes are very ......... . He says he
           A)  I think they are a waste of time.                  learns a lot of new information from them.

           B)  I find them so interesting and exciting.           Which option completes the blank correctly?
           C)  I think we will have a good time.                  A) emotional          B) educational

           D)  I like sci - fi movies more than other movie types.  C) boring           D) fictional
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      39
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