Page 39 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 39


        7.                                                     10.  Daniel: Did you watch the news yesterday? There was
               ◆  People watch this programme  to learn about      a  bank  robbery  in  town.  I  hope  police  will  catch  the
                 the daily events all over the world.              burglars as soon as possible.
               ◆  People  watch  this  programme  to  have         Steve: Oh, god! I didn’t watch the news, so I don’t know
                 information about history, animals and science.
                                                                   anything about it.
               ◆  People usually watch this programme to laugh
                 or have an enjoyable time.                        Daniel: I think you should spend some time to watch the
                                                                   news to ..................... .

            Which TV programme does not have an explanation        Fill in the blank with the suitable option.
                                                                   A)  have a good time with your family
            A) News  B) Documentary  C) Quiz show  D) Sitcom
                                                                   B)  have information about recent events
                                                                   C)  do something more entertaining

                                                                   D)  limit your TV - watching hours in a day

        8.   Charlie and Steve are siblings. They are at home and
            they feel bored. They want to watch TV together. Here
            are the types of programmes they like watching:

                                                               11.                   TV Preferences of Yesterday
                     Charlie                Steve
                                                                                    Programme          Time
               discussions             cartoons
                                                                         Oliver        Movie        20.00 - 22.00
               reality shows           series
                                                                        Nancy         Cartoon       17.00 - 18.00
               quiz shows              documentaries
                                                                         Larry       TV series      19.00 - 20.00
               cartoons                sports programmes
                                                                         Clara      Reality show    20.00 - 23.00

            Which picture shows the programme that they can
            watch together?                                        Which of the following is not correct according to
                                                                   the table above?
            A)                     B)
                                                                   A)  Oliver  and  Clara  started  to  watch  TV  at  the  same

                                                                   B)  Nancy and Larry spent the same time watching TV.

            C)                     D)                              C)  Clara watched TV more hours than the others.
                                                                   D)  Nancy and Larry watched different programs at the
                                                                      same hour.

                                                               12.  One of your friends often watches soap operas on TV.
        9.   (I) I think watching TV is a waste of time. (II) So, people   You want to learn his / her opinions about soap operas.
            should limit the hours of watching TV. (III) I know all my   How can you ask?
            favourite TV programmes’ times and never miss them.
            (IV) Also, watching TV too much makes people unsocial.   A)  Who watches soap operas in your family most?
                                                                   B)  What is your favourite soap opera?
            Which sentence disrupts the meaning of the text
            above?                                                 C)  What do you think about soap operas?

            A) IV          B) III         C) II         D) I       D)  Why do you mostly watch soap operas?
                                                         38                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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