Page 51 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 51


        7.                                                     10.
                       STACEY'S SHOPPING LIST                                      Mona's To Do List
                     1. ...................... eggs
                                                                           Decorate the party place with balloons.
                     2. ...................... butter
                                                                          Order a birthday cake.
                     3. ...................... sugar                      ......................................
                     4. ...................... chocolate bars             Send invitation cards.

                     5. ...................... flour
                                                                   Find the unsuitable option for the blank.

            Stacey will make a cake for her father’s birthday party,   A) Make a guest list.   B) Arrange a clown.
            but she needs some ingredients for the cake. So, she is   C) Wrap presents.   D) Buy some beverages.
            preparing the shopping list above.
            Which option is appropriate to complete the gaps in
            Stacey’s shopping list?                            11.  My graduation party is two days later. I found a good
                                                                   place  for  the  party,  but  I  need  a  lot  of  decorations.
                     1 1     2 2      3 3     4 4     5 5
                                                                   ................... The party place should seem great.
             A)     three   many    lots of  a little  some
                                                                   Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.
             B)     four    a little  some  a few   a lot of
                                                                   A)  I should prepare lots of food and beverages for my
             C)     much    some   a lot of  many    lots of          guests.

             D)     some    a few   lots of  much    a little      B)  I  should  buy  many  colourful  balloons,  confetti  and
                                                                   C)  The theme of the party is horror, so I should wear a
                                                                      scary costume.
        8.   Nick: Hey, Candy. I want to organize a Halloween party,
            but I’m bad at arranging parties. Can you help me with   D)  I should prepare invitation cards and send them to
            the preparations?                                         my guests.

            Candy: Of course. We should prepare a guest list first.
            Then, we should choose a place for the party. Next,
            ...................... . Finally, we should prepare lots of food and   12.  Jennifer is a real party person, so she has parties very
            beverages.                                             often. Her next party is tomorrow. Here is her to do list
                                                                   for the party:
            Which option is suitable to complete the dialogue?
            A)  we should welcome all the guests
                                                                                     TO DO LIST
            B)  we need a lot of invitation cards                        Buy a nice dress and a pair of shoes
            C)  we should decorate the party place                       Decorate the party place with ornaments
            D)  we don’t have a lot of drinks and snacks                 Buy a lot of food and drinks

                                                                         Arrange the types of entertainment
                                                                         Prepare and send invitation cards

        9.   Rebecca: How do you organize your birthday parties?
                                                                   According to Jennifer’s to do list, she doesn’t need
            Steven: It’s easy. ......., I prepare a guest list. Then, I send   ........ .
            invitation cards. ......., I decorate my room and order a big
            cake. ......., I buy lots of beverages and snacks.     A)  any music CDs and games
            Which option completes the blanks respectively?        B)  any crisps and fruit juice

            A) First / Next / Finally   B) After that / Finally / Then  C)  any balloons, confetti or bows
            C) First / Finally / Next   D) Then / Second / Finally  D)  a list that consists of the guests’ names
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