Page 56 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 56


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.   Global warming has a lot of negative effects on the Earth.
                                                                  The temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere increases
                                                                  and the Earth’s climate changes because of it. Global
       1.                                                         warming is a big threatening problem for people, animals
             Hi,  my  name  is  George.                           and plants. Many scientists say that ........... . Not only
             People  around  me  say  I’m                         people, it will cause to disappear all the living beings in
             too optimistic about the future                      the future.
             of  the  world  and  humankind.
             That may be true, but I believe                      Which option is suitable to complete the blank?
             that .......... . Because there are
             good  hearted,  peaceable  and                       A)  a lot of people will disappear in 200 years
             helpful people in the world.                         B)  the world human population will increase rapidly
                                                                  C)  people’ll prevent the bad effects of global warming
           Fill in the blank with the suitable option.
                                                                  D)  people will take necessary precautions to prevent it
           A)  people will never accept and help each other

           B)  the world will be a more peaceful place in the future
           C)  people won’t live to be harmoniously together
           D)  people will live in big underwater cities      5.
                                                                      The  first  computer  resembling  today's  modern
                                                                      machines was designed by British mathematician
                                                                      Charles  Babbage  between  1833  and  1871.
                                                                      Computers has changed a lot over time. In the
       2.   The  planet  Earth  is  our  home  and  unfortunately  it  is     next ten years, I think we will not have
           changing in the worst direction day by day. Most of what              computers like laptops, or big things
           we do is damaging the ecological balance of the world.                 on  our  desks  we  have  today.
           Thus, .......... in the future if we take necessary measures.
                                                                                  Computers will be in our clothes.
           Find the option that is used to fill in the blank.                     They  will  become  more  clever
                                                                                  than people.
           A)  we’ll always see the same season all the year round
           B)  many  plant  species  will  disappear  from  the  Earth
              forever                                             In the text above, Evelyn is talking about ...... .
           C)  hundreds of animal species will lose their habitats  A)  how technology will change in the future
           D)  there  will  be  no  more  wars,  deadly  diseases  and   B)  her predictions about computer technology
              deaths                                              C)  the precautions against computer damage

                                                                  D)  her dreams about machines in the future

       3.   Mike is my friend from high school. He has an impressive
           voice and also he is really good at playing the guitar. In
           my view, .................. .
                                                              6.   Today  we  have  various  emerging  technologies  that
           Complete the blank with the suitable option.           impact our lives in different ways. However, we will have
                                                                  different kinds of technology in the future. For example,
           A)  he will be a very successful musician in the future
                                                                  ........................ .
           B)  he will face serious problems in the music industry   Which option is not suitable to fill in the blank?
              in the future
                                                                  A)  our watch will know exactly where we are
           C)  he won’t win the voice competition of our school next
              week                                                B)  we will see information through our glasses

           D)  he  will  never  make  a  good  career  in  music  in  the   C)  we will have a better life without technology
              future                                              D)  our T-shirt will know we are ill and say it to us
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      55
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61