Page 61 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 61


        7.                                                     10.  Caleb  and  Danny  want  to  do  something  different  this
                          I  met  my  friend,  Christopher,  in  the   weekend. The table below shows their likes.
                          shopping  mall  last  Saturday.  First,
                          we drank something and had a chat.             Caleb's Likes          Danny's Likes
                         Next,  we  bought  two  tickets  for  our    seeing old things       listening to music
                         favourite actor's latest film. After that,   watching sport events   reading books
                         we  ate  something.  Then,  we  bought       drawing pictures        playing soccer
                         a  dictionary  for  our  favourite  subject,
                         Spanish.  Finally,  I  came  home  in  the   According to the table, which of the following is a
                          evening and my parents made me a         suitable place for them to meet?
                          surprise. We went to see the exhibition   A) Museum             B) Concert hall
                           of paintings by my favourite artist.
              Graham                                               C) Stadium             D) Art gallery
            It is clear from Graham’s talk that ...... .

            A)  he went to the movie theatre with his friend
                                                               11.  Steve has a list of the tasks related to his home. The
            B)  he didn’t visit the art gallery with his mom and dad  table below shows what he will do in order.

            C)  he spent time at the cafe after the restaurant
                                                                     1           2           3          4
            D)  he bought a dictionary from the library                             buy
                                                                        draw       some       take art    visit wild
                                                                       money                  classes     animals

                                                                   According to the information above, which of the
        8.   Jonathan  went  to  some  places  in  his  neighbourhood   following shows the places he will go?
            yesterday. The signs below show the reasons why he           1       2       3       4
            went to these places.
                                                                   A)  Bank     Bakery     City hall       Zoo
             To buy some fruit and vegetables
                                                                   B)  Post office    Butcher    Municipality    Bank
            ❍ To have his driving licence
                                                                   C)  Bank        Grocery    Art Gallery      Circus
            ✰ To attend a charity event
                                                                   D)  Municipality    Bakery      City hall          Bank
            Which places did Jonathan visit according to the
            information above?

                                  ❍                  ✰
                                                               12.  George: Hello, how can I help you?
            A)  Grocery       Fire station    Municipality         Cliff: Hi, I’m looking for a new pair of trainers.

            B)  Greengrocer’s      Police station      City hall   George: Great, let me see what we have. Do you have a
            C)  Butcher’s       Pharmacy    Museum                 specific type or brand in your mind?
            D)  Department store        Bank        Music store    Cliff: Not really, I’m just looking for something comfortable
                                                                   and supportive.

                                                                   George: Got it. Let me show you these trainers. They
                                                                   have excellent arch support and cushioning.

                                                                   Cliff: Those look good. Do you have them in my size?
        9.   Larry lives in a nice neighbourhood. There is a bakery, a
            park, a newsagent’s, a chemist’s and a shopping mall in   George: Let me check. Yes, we have them in your size.
            his neighbourhood.                                     You can try them on if you’d like.

            According to the information above, there is no place   According to the conversation above, George works
            for ..... in Larry’s neighbourhood.                    at the ....... .

            A) getting medicine    B) walking his dog              A) chemist’s           B) clothes shop
            C) buying new clothes   D) reporting a crime           C) toy shop            D) shoe shop
                                                         60                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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