Page 60 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 60


                            TEST 1          Çözümler için     4.   Ryan: Excuse me, can I have some meat?
                                             okutunuz             Katie: Hello, I want to try on this red dress.
       1.   Kevin, Jason and Brian are going shopping today. Kevin   David: Hi, I need some painkillers for my headache.
           is going to buy a new pair of boots. Jason is going to   Ashley: Good morning. I want to pay my taxes.
           buy some sports magazines. Brian will see his favourite
           artist’s paintings.                                    According  to  the  speeches  above,  who  is  at  the
                                                                  municipality now?
           According to the information above, where are they
           going today?                                           A) Ryan      B) Katie     C) David     D) Ashley
           A)  Kevin  -  Clothes  shop,  Jason  -  Bookshop,  Brian  -

           B)  Kevin - Shoe shop, Jason - Newsagent’s, Brian - Art   5.   Maggie: .......................................... ?
              gallery                                             Scott: I was at the library.
           C)  Kevin  -  Shopping  mall,  Jason  -  Library,  Brian  -   Maggie: .......................................... ?
                                                                  Scott: To do research about my science assignment.
           D)  Kevin  -  Amusement  park,  Jason  -  Newsagent’s,   Maggie: .......................................... ?
              Brian - Movie theatre
                                                                  Scott: At half past nine in the morning.
                                                                  Which question does not Maggie ask Scott?
       2.   The chart below shows the places that Claire visited last   A)  What time did you go there
                                                                  B)  Where were you yesterday
                  SATURDAY                SUNDAY                  C)  What did you do there
                Bakery                Museum
                                                                  D)  Why did you go there
                Movie theatre         Coffee shop

                Department store      Amusement park

           According to the information above, we can say that   6.   English  teacher,  Mr.  Howard  asked  his  students  what
           Claire ...... .                                        kind  of  activities  they  did  at  the  weekend.  The  table
                                                                  below shows some information about their answers.
           A)  drew money for her needs                                                              buying some

           B)  sent some letters                                   getting on                           books
                                                                    fun rides
           C)  saw a play on the stage                                          11 students
           D)  bought some furniture                                                          7 students

       3.   Charlie will go outside to do the things in his list.                           5 students
                                                                                                      seeing new
                           TO DO LIST                                    watching a                      plays
                                                                                          2 students
                    see ancient statues                                 football match
                    buy some beverages
                    send a parcel                                 Which of the following option is correct according to
                    buy some medicine                             the information above?
                    watch a film                                  A)  Many of the students spent time at the cinema.

                                                                  B)  Two of the students went to the stadium.
           According to Charlie’s to do list, he won’t go to the
           ....... .                                              C)  Less than seven students were at the bookshop.

           A) library   B) post office   C) chemist’s   D) grocery  D)  Half of the students went to the amusement park.
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      59
   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65