Page 59 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 59


        7.                                                     10.  Tim: What are you reading, Rachel?
                                                                   Rachel: I’m reading an article about the future of the
                                                                   world. It says here that people will travel everywhere in
                                                                   flying cars. Do you believe it will happen in the future?

                                                                   Tim: Yes, sure. Some engineers are working on flying
                        Brian's  Future  Plansrian's  Future  Plans  cars and they predict they will show a model by the end
               Home: Paris (the biggest city in France)            of 2025. When we use these cars in our daily lives, ....... .
               Profession: Doctor                                  They will make our life easier and comfortable.
               Family: No wife, no kids                            Find the option that is not appropriate for the blank.
               Favourite activities: hiking, mountain climbing     A)  we won’t be stuck in a traffic jam
               and camping
                                                                   B)  we will not waste time in traffic
            What cannot we say according to the information        C)  we’ll continue to drive cars running on petrol
            card about Brian’s future plans?                       D)  we will go anywhere we want faster

            A)  He will study medicine at university in the future.
            B)  He will live in a small city of France with his family.
            C)  He’ll spend time in nature to do the activities he likes.
                                                                          getting a                 adopting
            D)  He won’t get married to anyone and have any children     university                 a cat and
                                                                          diploma                     a dog

        8.    Technology has changed a lot in the last 30 years. Its                    Ruth’s
              change continues. With the technology, people have           living      Dreams         buying
                                                                                       For The
                                                                                                      a big
              different  kinds  of  communication  ways.  But  some       in a big      Future        house
              experts  believe  that  people  will  use  brain  chips  to
              communicate with each other in                                                        being
             the 2040s. These brain chips will                             around the             successful
                                                                                                  in genetic
             send signals through the Internet.                              world               engineering
             Also, they will record all people’s
             memories  and  thoughts.  Thus,                       According to Ruth’s dreams for the future in the
             people will live forever.                             diagram above, she does not want to .......... .

                                                                   A)  have a good career or pets
            We can understand from the text above that ........... .
                                                                   B)  take university education
            A)  people will have a new communication tool and it will
               inside their bodies                                 C)  visit different places of the world
                                                                   D)  have a house in a small and quiet place
            B)  people will use brain chips instead of the Internet for
            C)  people will not need the Internet to communicate with
               each other                                      12.  I think scientists will find life on other planets and people
                                                                   will go on holidays in outer space.
            D)  brain chips will save all people’s lives to control them
               easily                                              Which one is mentioned in the sentence above?
                                                                   A)                     B)
        9.   I think most of the illnesses .............. on Earth 1000 years
            later because technology is helping in medical field and
            it’s making dramatic transformations in the healthcare
            industry.                                              C)                     D)
            Which word completes the blank correctly?

            A) exist   B) improve    C) create    D) become
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