Page 57 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 57


        7.                                                     10.  Abigail Fox works as a dream interpreter. She makes a
                 Expectations from     Number of people            TV programme every Friday and ................ . She always
                    the future                                     says on her TV programme “Our dreams give us some

                      Health                  38                   clues about our future.”

                     Money                    24                   Choose the suitable option for the blank.
                  A happy family              17                   A)  believes that our dreams won’t come true
                                                                   B)  predicts the future of people with their dreams
                  A good career               13
                                                                   C)  can’t interpret people’s dreams when they call her
                     Friends                  8
                                                                   D)  doesn’t have any ideas about the symbols in dreams

            A  research  company  asked  100  people  about  their
            expectations from the future. The table above shows the   11.
            results of the survey.                                                   Hi, I'm Thomas. I'm a twenty - one
                                                                                     year old university student. I have
            According to the results of the survey, ........... .                    some  expectations  from  the

            A)  having  money  and  a  healthy  life  are  the  most                 future  just  like  everyone  else.
               important things for many people                                      One  day,  I  want  to  travel  all
                                                                                     around the world. I will meet new
            B)  most  of  the  people  want  to  be  successful  in  their   people and learn about their languages and cultures.
               working life in the future                            I'll discover interesting places and things in the world.

            C)  having a happy family is the least important thing for   I will enjoy my travels. I think of myself as a traveller.
               a good future among people                            If I meet a girl like me, I may get married to her. Being
                                                                     alone  is  sometimes  very  boring.  I  hope  my
            D)  making new friends is more important than having a   expectations will come true.
               good career for most of the people
                                                                   According to Thomas’ talk, he ............. .

                                                                   A)  doesn’t have any hopes or dreams about the future

        8.   Jordan: Some experts believe that ............ . So, people   B)  likes being alone, so he will never have a family
            should be careful about the use of energy.             C)  will  be  in  different  countries  and  discover  these

            Susan: I think they are right.                            places
            Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.         D)  will live in foreign countries during all his lifetime

            A)  people will find new energy sources
            B)  all people will save energy and water          12.  Gareth: Hey, Katie. I know that you are a bookworm and
                                                                   I have good news for you.
            C)  there will not be a energy shortage
                                                                   Katie: Really? What is it?
            D)  energy sources will run out one day
                                                                   Gareth: I watched a documentary about the future world
                                                                   yesterday. It said that ............. . With the technology,
                                                                   people’s reading habit will change.

        9.   I  think  people  won’t  probably  go  to  school  for  their   Choose the appropriate option to fill in the blank.
            careers after twenty years from now because ............ .
                                                                   A)  people will buy and read more books than before
            Find the suitable option to complete the sentence.
                                                                   B)  reading books will always be an enjoyable activity
            A)  computers will be more clever and useful than people
                                                                   C)  people  will  spend  less  time  reading  books  in  the
            B)  they will take their education through the Internet   future
            C)  they will have chips in their brains               D)  everybody  will  read  e - books  instead  of  printed

            D)  the Internet will save all their memories and thoughts  books in the future
                                                         56                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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