Page 53 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 53


        6.   Frank:  I  hope  I’ll  graduate  from  university  and  find  a   9.   Hello, my name is Susan. I think deserts will become
            good job in a big company. I’ll earn a lot of money and   rainforests. People will grow trees in the deserts, and
            buy a great house with garden.                         they will all be green. That means ........ .
            William: I think I’ll choose astronomy as a career. I’ll   Complete the blank with the suitable option.
            probably get married and have two children.
                                                                   A)  there is a high probability of less rain
            Arthur: I imagine I’ll be a famous cook and run my own   B)  people will have a watershortage
            restaurant. I will get married and have four children.
                                                                   C)  water pollution will be a serious problem
            According to the speeches above, we can say that
            ........ .                                             D)  there won’t be any droughts
            A)  both Frank and Arthur will have a big family

            B)  Arthur will work for another person as a cook
            C)  William will have a job related to space field  10.                Hi, my name is Lily. I hope I'll be
            D)  Frank will get a low salary in his job                             a  professional  tennis  player  and
                                                                                  get  married.  I'll  have  two  children
                                                                                  and live in London with my family. I'll
        7.   Tom is a seventh grade student. Here are his dreams                  go  on  a  round - the - world  tour  and
            about his future:                                                       meet new people in my 50s.
            •  having a university diploma                         According to Lily’s talk, she has a prediction about
            •  getting married                                     her future ...... .
            •  buying a house and a car                            A) health   B) education   C) hobbies   D) family
            •  living in a big city
            •  travelling all over the world
            According to the information above, he wants to
            .......... .
                                                               11.  Yesterday, Gloria read a technology magazine. There
            A)  see different places                               was  an  interesting  prediction  about  the  future.  It  said
            B)  have a long and healthy life                       that tourists will be able to travel to other planets easily
                                                                   in 2060.
            C)  be an expert in different fields
                                                                   Which picture is related to the information above?
            D)  continue living in a small place
                                                                   A)                     B)


                                                                   C)                     D)

            Ashley is dreaming about her future. According to
            the pictures above, which option can be correct?
                                                               12.  In  fifty  years,  people  will  make  contact  with  ..........
            A)  She imagines being a good dentist.                 because I think our planet, Earth is not the only planet

            B)  She has a dream about travelling around the world.  capable of supporting complex life forms.
            C)  She predicts she will live in a small village.     Choose the correct word for the blank.

            D)  She thinks she will have no time for her hobbies.  A) robots   B) plants   C) aliens   D) computers
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