Page 58 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 58


                           TEST 4           Çözümler için     4.   Some experts believe that computers will be more clever
                                                                  than people in the next 30 years. Also, they will do more
                                                                  things than today. .............. Maybe they will control our
       1.   Claire: What are you reading, Mandy?                  life in the future.
           Mandy: I’m reading a science magazin. There are some   Choose the correct option for the blank in the text.
           predictions in it. For example, it says here that the sun
           will turn into a dying star in the future.             A)  People’ll always become more intelligent than them.

           Claire: It’s horrible! I don’t believe it will happen.  B)  We won’t develop new technologies about computers.
           Mandy: Don’t worry. ............................       C)  They’ll communicate with us and improve themselves.

           Which answer does belong to Mandy?                     D)  We won’t have a lot of technology on computers.
           A)  There will be more people living on the Earth.

           B)  That will happen in six billion years, not soon.
           C)  Sun is the biggest star in our solar system.
                                                                      Hi, my name is Sofia. When I dream about the
           D)  All living beings on the planet Earth will soon die.
                                                                     future,  I  always  think  people’s  life  will  be  more
                                                                      exciting  and  interesting.  They’ll  use  flying  cars
                                                                      and go everywhere easily. They won’t be stuck
                                                                      in a traffic jam. They’ll have robot maids at home
       2.   In English lesson, Fiona’s teacher wanted her to write    and these robot maids will do the chores instead
           down her predictions about her best friend’s future. Here   of  them.  Scientists  will  make  food  pills  and
           are her predictions:                                        people will take them and won’t spend time in
                                                                       the kitchen for cooking. They will probably live
             I.  She will get a university diploma and become a        in underwater cities or most of them will move
               successful scientist.                                    to the countryside for a peaceful life.

             II.  She  will  have  some  health  problems,  so  she
               won't travel around the world.                     What is not Sofia talking about in her speech?
             III.  She will find cures for some malignant and win   A)  People’s eating habit in the future
                the Nobel Prize with her studies.
             IV.  She will get married to a handsome man, but     B)  Improvements in communication technology
                she won't have any children.                      C)  Places people will live in the future
                                                                  D)  Transportation in the future
           Find the predictions in the box that Fiona’s best
           friend likes.
           A) II - IV    B) I - III   C) I - II   D) III - IV

                                                                      We  all  know  that  technology  is  changing  our
                                                                        lifestyle,  but  it  also  makes  our  lives  easier.
       3.   I.  I will travel around the world and make friends from           In  the  near  future,  I  think  there  will
             different countries in the world.                                   be  robot  maids  in  our  houses.
                                                                                 ............. , so we can spend more
           II. I  always  dream  of  visiting  different  countries  and         time with our families.
             meeting new people.
           III. I think I will have lots of amazing experience thanks to
             my journeys.                                         Which option is appropriate to complete the gap?
           IV. That’s why, I want to be a traveller in the future.
                                                                  A)  They will play tricks on us in the future
           Put the sentences into the correct order to make a
           meaningful text.                                       B)  We will get difficulty in finding jobs

           A) III - II - I - IV   B) IV - II - III - I            C)  They will dominate some business lines
           C) II  - IV - I - III   D) I - IV - III - II           D)  They will do the housework instead of us
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      57
   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63