Page 62 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 62


                           TEST 2           Çözümler için     4.   Laura:  Last  Friday,  I  went  there  to  see  the  shows  of
                                                                  acrobats and some wild animals.
                                                                  Michael: I watched my favourite soccer team’s last match
       1.   Travis: What did you do last Sunday, Molly?
                                                                  there with some friends last Friday.
           Molly: I met my close friends at the cafe. Before I came
           back home, I went to the greengrocer’s to ..... . I like doing   Zoey: I went there to buy some science magazines and
           shopping for my family.                                daily newspapers last Friday.
                                                                  Frank: I went there to take art and guitar courses with my
           Choose the suitable option to complete the blank.
                                                                  sister last Friday.
           A)  grow my own fruit and vegetables
                                                                  According to the information above, who was at the
           B)  buy some fresh fruit and vegetables                city hall last Friday?
           C)  buy meat and chicken for dinner                    A) Frank     B) Laura     C) Michael    D) Zoey
           D)  water the plants in the garden


                        Chloe's To - Do List                  5.   I live in a big city with my family. Our neighbourhood is
                   • draw some money for shopping                 very crowded and lots of shops and stores around our
                   • get some fresh cookies                       house. There is a greengrocer’s near the house. Across
                                                                  the street, there is a boutique. I like buying clothes from
                   • buy a skirt and a pair of jeans              there. There is a chemist’s opposite the boutique.

                   • buy a teddy bear for little sister
                                                                  Which public building is not mentioned in the text?
                   • borrow some books and magazines
                                                                  A)                    B)

           According to Chloe’s to - do list, which option can
           we say for her?

           A)  She should go to the municipal office to draw money
              for her needs.                                      C)                    D)
           B)  She can go to a bookshop or a newsagent’s to borrow
              books and magazines.

           C)  She may go to the city hall to draw money and buy
              the clothes she wants.
           D)  She should go to a bakery for the things to eat in her
              list and go to a toyshop for the teddy bear.

                                                              6.   Emily: I’m getting fat nowadays. I should do exercises to
       3.   I.  Sure. What size do you wear?                      keep fit, but I can’t do it alone. What should I do?

           II. Here you are. I’m sure it’ll look good on you.     Sally: Don’t worry. ............. There are personal trainers
           III. Medium, please.                                   in this place.
           IV. Welcome, madam. Can I help you?                    Complete the blank with the appropriate option.
           V. Yes, please. Have you got a pink skirt?
                                                                  A)  You can go to a shopping mall for that.
           Put the sentences into the correct order to make a
           meaningful conversation.                               B)  You can go running in the park every morning.

           A) IV - V - III - I - II   B) IV - III - I - V - II    C)  You should go to the sports center near your house.
           C) IV - V - I - III - II   D) IV - V - II - I - III    D)  You should go to the stadium to watch sports events.
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      61
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