Page 67 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 67


        6.   Yesterday, I went out for my needs. First, I bought some   10.  Christopher has some tasks to do today, so he will go
            fashion magazines at the ........................ . Then, I got my   outside for them. Here is his to do list:
            medicine from the ..................... . Finally, I bought some
            fresh muffins and cookies at the ............... . It was 3 p.m.         TO DO LIST
            when I returned home.
                                                                        send the invitation cards to friends
            Which of the places completes any of the blanks in          check the account and draw money
            the text above?
                                                                         pay the taxes of the house and the car
            A) newsagent’s  B) butcher’s  C) hospital  D) grocery       buy a pair of trainers for basketball

                                                                        buy a vacuum cleaner and an oven

        7.   Chloe: ....................................................... ?   According to Christopher’s to do list, he will not go

            Andrew: I went to the technology market.               to the ............. .
                                                                   A) municipality        B) post office
            Chloe: ....................................................... ?
                                                                   C) governorship        D) bank
            Andrew: To buy a camera and a laptop.
            Chloe: ....................................................... ?

            Andrew: With my father. He is interested in technological   11.  Kendall: Good afternoon. I want to pay my bills. Can you
            developments.                                          help me, please?

            Which question is not Andrew answering to?             Emmett:  Hello,  I’m  looking  for  a  black  suit  for  my
                                                                   graduation party. May I see your models?
            A)  Where did you go yesterday
                                                                   Eleanor: Good morning. Can I buy some fresh cookies
            B)  Who did you go with
                                                                   and bagels?
            C)  Why did you go there
                                                                   Miles:  Oh!  Help  me,  please.  A  young  man  stole  my
            D)  When did you go there                              smartphone while I was drinking my coffee at a cafe.
                                                                   According  to  the  speeches  above,  who  is  in  the
                                                                   police station now?
                                                                   A) Kendall   B) Emmett     C) Eleanor   D) Miles
                           Oh, no! There is a thief in the bank right
             ₺       ₺     now. I should .................. .
                                                               12.                 SUSAN’S NEEDS
           Which option is appropriate to fill in the blank?
                                                                           vegetables      vacuum cleaner
            A)  call the police immediately                                newspaper       medicine
            B)  buy all daily newspapers                                   meat            pencil
                                                                           novels          CDs
            C)  go to the fire station
            D)  call the governor right now
                                                                   The list above is about Susan’s needs. Which of the
                                                                   following is correct according to her list?

        9.   Bradley: Where are you going, Heather?                A)  She should go to a music store to buy her favourite
                                                                      singers’ album CDs and novels.
            Heather: I’m going to the municipal office. ..................
                                                                   B)  She  can  go  to  a  stationery  to  get  medicine  and  a
            Choose the suitable option for the blank.
                                                                      vacuum cleaner.
            A)  I’ll see the latest paintings.
                                                                   C)  She doesn’t need to go to a technology store and a
            B)  I will pay my bills and taxes.                        newsagent’s.
            C)  I’ll buy fresh fruit and vegetables.               D)  She should go to the greengrocer’s and the butcher’s

            D)  I will buy some CDs to listen.                        for some of her needs.
                                                         66                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72