Page 71 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 71


        7.   Everyone  wants  to  live  in  a  healthy  environment  but   10.
            unfortunately, people pollute their environment with their   JOIN OUR CAMPAIGN AT BENTON PARK
            garbage,  cars’  exhaust  gases,  harmful  products,  etc.    Plant a tree and help make our park green.
            If we want to have a good future, we should keep our       Get the seeds and water them after planting them.
            environment clean. For that, ....................... .
                                                                       Saturday, 8  June from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
            Which option is not appropriate to fill in the blank?

            A)  everyone  must  use  eco - friendly  products  and  eat
               organic food
            B)  each person has to plant trees and save forests
            C)  people should turn on the lights when they aren’t at
               home                                                According to the poster above, ............. .

            D)  people should walk or cycle to work and school     A)  some  people  are  organizing  a  clean - up  day  in
                                                                      Benton Park

                                                                   B)  you have to get a seed before you come to Benton
        8.                 .................................       C)  you  can  join  the  event  every  Saturday  between  11

                   Use less water and energy.                         a.m. and 5 p.m.
                   Don't cut down trees.                           D)  the owner of the campaign will plant all the seeds
                   Use water, wind and solar energy.
                   Don't pour harmful chemicals into the rivers.

                   Recycle waste materials.
                                                               11.  Lauren: Do you know how to make natural cleaners at
            Find the best title for the table above.               home?

            A)  How To Protect The Environment                     Mandy: Yes, I do. You need the washing soda, soap,
            B)  How To Prepare An Environmental Campaign           baking  soda  and  warm  water  to  make  your  natural
                                                                   cleaner at home.
            C)  Environmental Problems In The World
                                                                   Lauren: What is the process of it?
            D)  Main Reasons Of Global Warming
                                                                   Mandy: ........... , mix the washing soda and the borax in a
                                                                   bottle. ........... , add some soap in it. ........, put some warm
                                                                   water and shake them all together.

        9.   We  must  protect  the  environment.  We  can  do  many   Which option completes the blanks respectively?
            things  for  that.  For  example,  we  can  use  renewable   A) First - Finally - Then   B) First - Then - Finally
            energy sources like solar, wind and water. Also, we can   C) Then - Finally - First   D) Finally - Then - First
            recycle paper, glass, plastic and metal items. We can
            stop destroying forests.
            Which one is not mentioned in the text above?

            A)                     B)
                                                               12.  (I) I think planting a tree is a very enjoyable activity. (II)
                                                                   It is also so boring because when you plant a tree, you
                                                                   have to wait for years to come it. (III) Every spring, I find
                                                                   a suitable place to plant a tree in our garden. (IV) I dig a
                                                                   hole and put my tree into the hole gently and cover the
            C)                     D)                              hole with soil.

                                                                   Find the sentence that disrupts the meaning of the
                                                                   text above.

                                                                   A) IV          B) III         C) II         D) I
                                                         70                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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