Page 75 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 75


        7.   Mars  is  often  called  the  “Red  Planet”  because  of  its   10.   Dwarf   Year of
            reddish  appearance  and  has  a  day  length  similar  to   planets      discovery     Diameter (km)
            Earth’s. However, its year is longer, lasting about 687
            Earth days. Jupiter is the largest planet and rotates very   Ceres           1801            940
            quickly, with a day lasting only about 9.9 hours. Its year   Pluto           1930           2,377
            is much shorter than Earth’s, approximately 11.9 Earth     Haumea            2003           1,960
            years.                                                       Eris            2003           2,326
            Which of the following cannot we say according to         Makemake           2005           1,430
            the information above?
                                                                   Which of the following is correct according to the
            A)  Mars appears in the sky as a reddish star.         information in the table above?
            B)  There are no planets bigger than Jupiter.
                                                                   A)  Astronomers discovered Makemake earlier than the
            C)  A day on Jupiter is longer than a day on Mars.        other planets.
            D)  A year on the Earth is shorter than a year on Mars.  B)  Pluto  and  Eris  are  smaller  than  the  other  dwarf

                                                                   C)  Ceres is not the smallest dwarf planet among all the
                                                                      dwarf planets.
        8.                                                         D)  Scientists discovered Haumea and Eris in the same
                  Venus  is  closer  to  the  Sun  than  Earth.  Its   year.
                  temperature can go up to 465°C. That makes
                  it  the  hottest  planet  in  the  solar  system.  It
                     is  similar  to  Earth  in  terms  of  size  and
                          composition, but it has a thick, cloudy   11.   ✎  Jupiter  is  the  largest  planet  of  our  solar
                          atmosphere  that  traps  heat  and              system.
                           makes it extremely hot.
                                                                       ✎  Jupiter  has  more  than  80  moons,  but  the
                                                                          Earth has only one moon.

                                                                       ✎  Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and
            In this text, you can find out the information about          the Earth.
            ........ .                                                 ✎  Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and
                                                                          has only one moon: Titan.
            A)  the equator length of Venus
            B)  the average temperature of Venus                   It is clear from the information above that .... .
            C)  the distance of Venus to the Sun
                                                                   A)  Saturn isn’t farther from the Sun than Mercury
            D)  the reason why Venus is the hottest planet
                                                                   B)  Earth’s diameter is bigger than Jupiter’s diameter
                                                                   C)  Earth and Saturn has the same number of moons
                                                                   D)  there are other planets larger than Jupiter

        9.   Jamie: ................................................

            Aaron: Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the   12.  NASA launched the Kepler telescope to ............ in 2009.
            Sun in our solar system. It’s a gas giant and has a vivid   The Kepler team discovered five new planets, as big as
            blue color. It’s a very cold planet.                   the Earth, beyond our solar system.

            Which question does Jamie ask Aaron?                   Fill in the blank with the most suitable option.
            A)  Why is not Neptune a hot planet?                   A)  find the proof of life in space

            B)  What do you know about Neptune?                    B)  explore habitable planets
            C)  Is Neptune the closest planet to the Sun?          C)  observe the Earth from space

            D)  What’s the order of Neptune in the solar system?   D)  travel around other planets
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