Page 79 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 79


        6.   Göktürk  2  is  an  earth  observation  satellite  by  built   10.  Pamela: ...................................................
            TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Institute. It is 409 kg in   Kate: It is the centre of the solar system.
            weight. It was launched at 16.12 on December 18, 2012.
            The launch was completed perfectly and it was placed   Find the correct question to complete the dialogue.
            into a low Earth orbit at 16.26. It sent the first signal at   A)  Is there life on other planets?
            17.39. Its orbital time is 98 minutes. It provides images
            for both civil and military applications.              B)  Which planet is called an “ice giant”?
            Find the question that does not have an answer in      C)  What do you know about the sun?
            the paragraph above.                                   D)  Do  you  improve  your  knowledge  about  the  solar
            A)  What is Göktürk 2 used for?
            B)  How long is Göktürk 2’s orbital time?

            C)  When was Göktürk 2 launched?                   11.
            D)  How many times does it send signals a day?

                                                                        At first   A day     A year     Pluto is
        7.   Patricia: What do you know about our planet, the Earth?    known     on Pluto   on Earth   much

            Michelle: I know a lot of things about the Earth. For       as the    is longer   is shorter   colder
            example, ................ .                                smallest    than a    than a      than
                                                                        planet,    day on    year on    Earth.
            Which of the following sentence is not available to        Pluto is    Earth.    Pluto.
            complete the dialogue?                                     actually     It’s      Pluto

            A)  it is a planet that has an atmosphere                   a well-    about     orbits
                                                                        known       153      the Sun
            B)  it has liquid water on its surface
                                                                        dwarf      hours.    in 248
            C)  it is a planet that has no life on it                   planet.              years.

            D)  it has suitable conditions for all the living beings
                                                                   Which of the following is not correct according to the
                                                                   information above?

                                                                   A)  A day on Pluto lasts more when comparing to a day
        8.   Kerry: Please tell me, Jonathan. Is there any water on   on the Earth.
            the surface of Mars?
                                                                   B)  A year on Pluto takes less time than a year on the
            Jonathan: To find this question’s answer, NASA launched   Earth.
            two robot explorers to Mars in 2003. ............ Because
            there were rivers and seas on it many years ago.       C)  Pluto  has  got  much  colder  temperature  than  the
            Choose the appropriate option for the blank in the        Earth has got.
            dialogue above.                                        D)  Pluto  is  considered  as  a  dwarf  planet  in  the  solar
            A)  They discovered the evidence of water.
            B)  There wasn’t life on Mars in the past.
            C)  They didn’t find any proof for that.           12.  Neil  Alden  Armstrong  was  an  American  astronaut.
                                                                   .........................  Because  nobody  walked  on  the  Moon
            D)  They didn’t complete their mission successfully.   before him.

                                                                   Find the option that is not appropriate for the blank.

        9.   There are eight ......... in our ......... system. The planets   A)  He became the first person to walk on the Moon.
            ......... the sun, and the ......... turn around the planets.  B)  He stepped on the surface of the Moon first.
            Which word does not complete any of the blanks?        C)  He was the first man to walk on the Moon’s surface.

            A) moons     B) explore    C) planets    D) orbit      D)  He was the only person to set foot on the Moon.
                                                         78                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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