Page 76 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 76


                           TEST 2           Çözümler için     4.                   Space Tourists
                                                                      Name              Year    Duration of Flight
       1.   Rick: ..................................................
                                                                     Dennis Tito        2001         8 days
           Kevin: Jupiter. A day on it is less than 10 hours.
                                                                     Gregory Olsen      2005        11 days
           Fill in the blank with the correct option.
                                                                     Richard Garriott   2008        12 days
           A)  Which planet has the longest year?
                                                                  According to the table above, which of the following
           B)  Which is the biggest planet?                       option is not correct?

           C)  Which planet has the shortest day?
                                                                  A)  Dennis  Tito  went  into  space  earlier  than  Richard
           D)  Which planet is the smallest?
                                                                  B)  Gregory Olsen travelled into space later than Richard
                                                                  C)  Richard Garriott spent more days in space than the
                                                                     other tourists.
                                                                  D)  Both of them travelled as space tourists in different
                                 Saturn        Uranus                years.
              Diameter         120,536 km     51,118 km

              Average            -178°C         -224°C
              Number of moons      62            27           5.   Venus is hotter than the Earth. Orbit period of Venus is
                                                                  224 Earth days. The equator length of Venus is 12,103
           Look at the table above and find the comparison that   km, but the Earth’s is 12,742 km. The Earth has a life
           is not correct.                                        form, but Venus doesn’t.

           A)  Uranus is colder and smaller than Saturn.          According to the information above, which option is
           B)  Saturn has got more moons than Uranus has got.     not correct?
           C)  Uranus has got a longer diameter than Saturn has   A)  The Earth’s surface temperature is lower than Venus’.
              got.                                                B)  A year on Venus is longer than a year on the Earth.

           D)  Saturn is hotter and bigger than Uranus.           C)  The Earth is larger than Venus in the solar system.
                                                                  D)  Nobody lives on Venus, but there is life on the Earth.

       3.   I.  I learnt a lot of things from the officials and decided to

             choose astronomy as a career.                    6.
           II. I also observed the sky with a telescope there and it     Mercury                  Venus
             was an amazing experience for me.                     Temperature: 427 °C    Temperature: 462 °C
           III. Yesterday was quite a tiring but an extraordinary day   Diameter: 4.900 km  Diameter: 12.100 km
             for me.                                               Orbital period: 88 days  Orbital period: 224.7 days
           IV. I  went  to  TÜBİTAK  National  Observatory  to  get
             information about planets, asteroids and comets for   According to the information card above, .......... .
             my science project.
                                                                  A)  Mercury is hotter than Venus
           Put the sentences into the correct order to make a
           meaningful text.                                       B)  Mercury is larger than Venus

           A) III - IV - I - II   B) III - I - II - IV            C)  Venus’ orbital period is longer than Mercury’s
           C) IV - III - II - I   D) II - IV - I - III            D)  a year on Venus is shorter than a year on Mercury
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      75
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81