Page 77 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 77


        7.                                                     11.
                Our  planet  Earth  is  the  third  planet  from  the   Planet  Diameter     Average    Number
                Sun. It is the only habitable planet that people,                          Temperature  of Moons
                             animals  and  plants  live.  It  has      Mars     6,779 km      -63°C        2
                             water  on  its  surface  and  this
                             water is very, very  important for       Saturn    120,536      -178°C        62
                             all living beings. There is no life                  km
                              on other planets.                       Neptune  49,244 km     -214°C        14

            Which of the following questions does not have an      Which of the following option is false according to
            answer in the text above?                              the table above?
            A)  Which  planet  comes  after  the  Earth  in  the  solar   A)  Saturn is the biggest of all.
               system?                                             B)  Mars is the coldest of all.

            B)  Why is the Earth so important for all the living beings?  C)  Neptune is not larger than Saturn.
            C)  Which  planet  has  appropriate  living  conditions  for   D)  Mars is smaller than the others.
            D)  Is the Earth closer to the Sun than the other planets?

        8.   Earth’s  orbit  is  shorter  than  Mars’  orbit,  so  a  year  on
            Earth is ................................. .
            Which expression is suitable for the blank?
            A)  longer than a year on Mars                                            Valentina Vladimirovna
                                                                                      Tereshkova was born in
            B)  the shortest year in the solar system
                                                                                      Maslennikovo, near Yaroslavl,
            C)  as long as a year on Mars
                                                                                      in Russia on 6 March 1937.
            D)  shorter than a year on Mars                                           She was a Soviet cosmonaut.

                                                                                      At the time of her selection as
        9.   (I) Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and is   a cosmonaut, she was working as a textile worker
            the fifth planet from the sun. (II) It is home to a number of   in a local factory. She is the first woman and the
            interesting moons including Ganymede, Io, Europa, and    youngest astronaut to ever fly into space. She had
            Callisto. (III) Galileo discovered these four moons first,   a solo mission with the spacecraft called Vostok 6
            so they are called the Galilean Moons. (IV) There are
            eight planets in the solar system, but the only place in   on June 16, 1963. She was just 26 years old when
            the known universe confirmed to host life is Earth.      she made her historic flight. She orbited Earth 48
                                                                     times and spent 70 hours 50 minutes in space.
            Which of the sentences disrupts the meaning of the
            paragraph above?                                         She landed back on Earth on June 19 , 1963.
            A) I          B) II         C) III         D) IV
                                                                   According to the text above, we can say that ......... .
                                                                   A)  there  is  only  one  woman  cosmonaut  who  travelled
        10.  Mars  is  the  closest  planet  to  Earth.  If  you  have  a   in space
            telescope, ..................... .
                                                                   B)  she went on working as a worker after she became
            Find the appropriate option to fill in the blank.
                                                                      an astronaut
            A)  you can observe Mars easily
                                                                   C)  there are other female cosmonauts who completed
            B)  its atmosphere is different from Earth’s              solo space flights
            C)  Mars has two small satellites                      D)  she  completed  her  mission  after  spending  almost

            D)  the gravity on Mars is less than Earth’s              three days in space
                                                         76                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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