Page 78 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 78


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.   Size is important about gravity. If a planet is smaller than
                                                                  the Earth, it has got weak gravity. Otherwise, there is
                                                                  very strong gravity if a planet is Uranus - sized.
       1.   Venus is the ............... planet in our solar system and
           sometimes you can see it with the naked eye if you know           Planets        Equator length
           where to look.
                                                                              Earth           12,742 km
           Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.
                                                                              Jupiter         139,822 km
           A) smallest           B) brightest                                 Saturn          116,464 km

           C) darkest            D) biggest
                                                                             Mercury          4,8794 km
                                                                              Mars             6,779 km

                                                                  We cannot understand from the information and the
       2.                                                         table above that ............... .
               An  astronomer,  Clyde  Tombaugh  discovered
               Pluto  on  February  18,  1930,  and  scientists   A)  there is weaker gravity on Mercury than on the Earth
               considered it as the ninth planet from the Sun.       and Mars
               After 1992, researchers explored several objects
               of similar size of Pluto around its orbit. Scientists   B)  Saturn and Jupiter have got stronger gravity than the
               classified  Pluto  as  a  dwarf  planet  after  2006   Earth has got
               because it hasn’t got the characteristics of a real   C)  Mars has got the weakest gravity, so people weigh
               planet. Today, there are five dwarf planets in the    the least on Mars
               solar  system.  They  are  Pluto,  Eris,  Haumea,
               Makemake and Ceres.                                D)  a person weighs the most on Jupiter because it has
                                                                     the strongest gravity

           According to the text above, which of the following
           sentence cannot we say?
           A)  Clyde Tombaugh was the discoverer of a dwarf planet
              called Pluto.
           B)  Scientists didn’t class Pluto as a planet after 2006.
           C)  Today,  Pluto  is  considered  as  a  dwarf  planet  by
              scientists.                                     5.      Planet        Diameter       Orbit period
           D)  Scientists  didn’t  discover  any  dwarf  planets  except   Mars    6,779 km         1.9 years
              Pluto.                                                  Earth        12,742 km       365.26 days
                                                                      Venus        12,103 km       224.70 days
                                                                     Mercury       4,8794 km         88 days

       3.   There  are  eight  planets  in  the  solar  system.  The  last   Jupiter  139,822 km    11.9 years
           planet in the solar system is Neptune, so it is the coldest
           all of other planets. The average surface temperature is   According to the table above, which of the following
           -201°C. It is the fifth smallest planet in the solar system.  option is correct?
           It is clear from the information above that ......... .
                                                                  A)  Mercury is bigger than Mars, but smaller than Venus
           A)  Neptune isn’t farther to the sun than the other planets   and Earth.
              in the solar system
                                                                  B)  A  year  on  Earth  is  much  longer  than  a  year  on
           B)  there is no planet in the solar system closer to the sun   Mercury.
              than Neptune
                                                                  C)  The orbit period of Jupiter is shorter than the orbit
           C)  other planets in the solar system are not hotter than
              Neptune                                                period of Mars.
           D)  there are three planets in the solar system larger than   D)  Venus is smaller than Jupiter, but its orbit period is
              Neptune                                                longer than Jupiter’s.
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      77
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82