Page 73 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 73


        7.                                                     10.  Chris: Hey, Leonardo. Look at this announcement. Our
                 Big  cities  are  getting  worse  day  by  day    school is organizing a ‘Save The Environment’ campaign
                 because of air pollution. Chemicals from cars     at Sandy Beach tomorrow. Why don’t we take part?
                 and  factories  pollute  the  air  too  much.  We
                 also cut down all the trees in our forests to     Leonardo: Great idea. ..............................
                 build  more  constructions,  and  we  pour  our   Chris: You’re absolutely right.
                 waste  into  the  rivers,  lakes  and  seas.  Our   Fill in the blank with the suitable option.
                 planet need our help, so we have to do our
                 best.                                             A)  We must keep our environment clean.
                                                                   B)  We don’t have to help make the environment clean.
            According to the text above, ........... .
                                                                   C)  We don’t have to use recycling bins to sort out our
            A)  humans don’t disturb the balance of life on the Earth
            B)  a large number of trees aren’t disappeared by human
                                                                   D)  We mustn’t put our garbage in the bin.

            C)  people  take  necessary  precautions  to  protect  the
               Earth                                           11.  Eleanor thinks planting more trees is very important to
                                                                   save the world. The pictures below show the steps of
            D)  the air we breathe is full of chemicals from cars and   how she plants a tree.

        8.   We should .............. glass, plastic, metal and paper to
            protect the nature.

            Complete the sentence with the correct word.                      1                       2
            A) waste    B) recycle   C) threaten   D) increase

        9.   This graphic below shows the leading reasons of global
            warming in the world.
                                                                              3                       4
                Air pollution                                      Which of the following sentences is not related to

                              Deforestation                        one of the pictures above?
                   46 %
                                             Energy waste          A)  She digs a hole with a shovel in the soil.
                                 33 %
                                                                   B)  She places the tree in the hole carefully.
                                                 21 %
                                                                   C)  She gets a tree and a shovel for planting.
                                                                   D)  She selects a proper place for the tree.

            According to the information and the graphic above,
            .................. .                               12.  Ryan: Our forests are disappearing day by day because
                                                                   we are destroying thousands and thousands of trees on
            A)  people  use  more  renewable  energy  sources  like   our planet.
               wind, solar and water energy
                                                                   Avery: I think you’re absolutely right. We must ............ .
            B)  destruction of forests has at least negative effect on   Complete the blank with the suitable option.
               global warming
                                                                   A)  continue to cut down the forests
            C)  the harmful gases into the air are the main reason of
               global warming                                      B)  destroy rainforests to get more land

            D)  people are using energy sources in the world more   C)  use more plastic products and paper
               efficiently these days                              D)  protect nature for the balance of life on the Earth
                                                         72                                       GRADE 7 ENGLISH
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