Page 68 - 7. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 68


                            TEST 1          Çözümler için     4.   Charlotte and her school friends are talking about what
                                                                  they can do to protect the environment.
                                                                  Charlotte: We can stop using fossil fuels for heating.
       1.   Gina will prepare a poster about air pollution, but she
           can’t decide the slogan and the picture for her poster.   William: We can put the rubbish on the streets.
           Here are the options:                                  Kaitlyn: We can buy energy saving light bulbs.
           I.  Don’t drop litter into oceans!                     Jonathan: We can use natural pesticides.
           II. Keep the streets clean!
           III. Drive less, walk or cycle more!                   Hailey: We can keep the seas, rivers and lakes clean.
           IV. Recycle waste materials!                           According to the speeches above, whose opinions
           a.                      b.                             are related to the same environmental problem?
                                                                  A) William - Jonathan   B) Kaitlyn - Hailey
                                                                  C) Charlotte - William   D) Jonathan - Kaitlyn

           c.                      d.

                                                              5.   Here is Sofia’s to do list to save the planet:

           Which one is appropriate for Gina’s project?                   ✔ Turn off the lights when not in use.
           A) I - a     B) II - b    C) III - c    D) IV - d              ✔ Plant more trees that you can.
                                                                          ✔ Reduce, reuse and recycle.
                                                                          ✔ Put your garbage into the bins.
       2.                  Global  warming  is  the  long - term
                           increase in Earth's average surface    In her to do list, there is no precaution for ..... .
                           temperature.  It  is  a  threatening   A) global warming     B) deforestation
                           problem  for  all  living  things  in  the   C) energy waste   D) water pollution
                           world. There are some eco - friendly
                           ways to prevent it. We should prefer
            public transportation more, use products suitable for
            reusing and reduce the use of electricity.

           Which eco - friendly behaviour is related to one of
           the suggestions above?                             6.   Today, we have many environmental problems. People
                                                                  cut down thousands of trees for different reasons, but
           A)  Kim leaves the electronic devices on all the time.  these trees are necessary because they provide oxygen
           B)  Sofia always buys recyclable products.             and fresh air for us.

           C)  Jeremy often goes everywhere by his car.           Which environmental problem is mentioned in the
           D)  Molly takes part in tree planting days every year.  text above?
                                                                  A)                    B)

       3.   If you want to save the environment, you should ..... .

           Complete the sentence with the suitable option.
           A)  waste water and energy                             C)                    D)

           B)  cut down more trees
           C)  use your own car too often

           D)  use renewable energy resources
       GRADE 7 ENGLISH                                      67
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73